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Tib's Meshes


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Well ever since I got Oblivion I knew I wanted to create new models for it. It was only around 1 week ago that I made that dream a fact.


I will post my free time meshes here (No Project Serpent stuff, however some of these meshes might end up in it).


Everything is made by me, from scratch. Scroll down for more pics.





Buster Blade





Red is glowmapped.




Molag's Bane







Martel de Fer













Darth Maul's Lightsaber















P 38 Lighting






Hircine's helm WIP (video)












M16 Rifle






[WIP] Lamborghini Gallardo [1, 2, 3, 4]


NOTE: This is a work in production, and it is not to be taken as an end result. An estimation of current progress is 20%. I've been working on this car for about 4 days now :P.


More to come!

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Well ever since I got Oblivion I knew I wanted to create new models for it. It was only around 1 week ago that I made that dream a fact.


I will post my free time meshes here. I will perhaps considermaking it a mod or release it, though nothing is for sure.


Everything is made by me, from scratch. Even the textures.



Buster Blade










Some part of it are glow mapped (red).




More to come!

Lol - at first I thought it was a giant-ruler :)


Nice models, but the textures are a little *plain*.

Besides that, I like them and wish I was able to make something similar!

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Yeah I know texture never really was my strong point. But im getting better though! I think il upload 2 more meshes in the following hour.
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Yeah I know texture never really was my strong point. But im getting better though! I think il upload 2 more meshes in the following hour.


Do it, by all means. I'll look forward to seeing those.


You're doing sort of everything at once, and that can be hard - I think a lot of people start with textures and graduate to meshmaking when they get tired of retexing others' meshes (I did). Just keep at it. You're obviously learning much faster than I did. ;D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I have two new meshes :) My texturing has improved considerably and so has my modeling.




Here is my pride, Molag's Bane



















Martel de Fer


And my second mesh, fairly of simple design, Martel de Fer, made purely for fun. You just have to smash goblins with this 500 lbs baby!










From now on I will only put one image tag on my first post, so I dont get max image count. However the complete set of pictures will be found by scrolling down.

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Thanks SoS, your compliments are much appreciated. Im glad to be on PS, everybody is nice and full of talent :P. Perfect atmosphere, perfect people, perfect mod :happy: .


Anyways, reminder: Suggestions are welcome as a name for my sword ^^. Once I figure out how armor works I will have that too (belive me its alot more complicated to get armor in the game). Also, mini-game, guess where does the shooting (screenshooting) take place ^^?

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LOL. Yep, I know EXACTLY how much more complicated the armor is. But you're doing great, and that's quite a learning curve you've hit on the textures.


The long handle looks like something you could use to smash someone's face with on a backward blow if you missed them with the blade.


I think it would be neat if you gave it a backstory involving someone's treachery, wherein they went to give up the weapon, held it out handlefirst, and then smashed the other person's face with the butt and then cut their throat. You could then call it something like the Blade of Vendirr's Treason.


Other suggestions:


Molag's Bane

Gift of Hirsute

Blade of Broken Trust

Blade of the Oathbreaker

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