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Tib's Meshes


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Thanks for the name suggestions ^^. It can stop now, I don't want my thread overran by it.


I'll take Molag's Bane. Thanks SickleYield ^^.


Good news: I managed to get armor in game! Of course, I've had some technical problems such as forgot to double face (because I dont know how to yet) and the texture bond between the cuirass and arm section broken (therefore resulting in an extremely depleasant cuirass textured only, arms&pauldrons skin result).


Also, I moved the Buster Blade screenshots here to make the first post more symetrical in comparasion to the other meshes.




Buster Blade











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Update: Red Lightsaber. I might consider making a blue, green and yellow version. If I'm not mistaken, I am the first that created a lightsaber nif for Oblivion?














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Update: Red Lightsaber. I might consider making a blue, green and yellow version. If I'm not mistaken, I am the first that created a lightsaber nif for Oblivion?


I'm not sure about that. I've seen a few screenshots on the official forums of characters wielding a lightsaber. I don't know where it is.There isn't a light saber mod released yet though...


Could you make it glow? It doesn't really look like a 'real' saber, I think. Or weren't you done yet? http://images.quizilla.com/O/Oais/1078262701_dsithsaber.JPG

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I would suggest making it two-handed. And if it already has glowmapping (it looks as though it might), a screen taken in a dark area might be useful.

Good point. Using a lightsaber but blocking with a shield is just wrong :mellow:

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I would suggest making it two-handed. And if it already has glowmapping (it looks as though it might), a screen taken in a dark area might be useful.

Good point. Using a lightsaber but blocking with a shield is just wrong :mellow:


Two lightsabres!


One sword one shield! :D

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Yes it glows :P, but it was day out and I was in a hurry (hence the small number of screenshots). I will take night screenshots of it in a minute. I didnt made it glow to the max though because the red would become pink.


Two handed you say? Interesting.... Also, if i'm not mistaken, the absorb life enchant makes a weapon glow red right?



Edit: Just changing it from the cs wont do the thing :/. Must return to nifskope to make it 2h.

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I made them glow. The green one glows more than blue and red for some reason though. I have a reson to think that the light emiting from Jolley's lightsabers is a little exageratd (maybe photoshopped). Well I have the real thing ^^.


@karky: Iron Maul



... JPEG really kills quality...















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