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Heros of Olympia


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Hey, man. I'm getting kinda good at retexturing. Do you want me to help you at all? I mean, you just said that you want people to show that they care about this, so I'm just letting you know that I do if nobody else does. So, yeah, need any help :huh: ?


Yea i could use some help on it. Although the main issue is that i havent been feeling well at all. I have been in and out of the hospital for the last 3 weeks or so. Doctors cant figure out whats wrong with me, i cant breath in the least bit, pretty much cant really sit up for more than a half hour at a time or i pass out, So its kinda on a hold at the moment. Sorry i havent gotten back to ya redcore, what i stated above applies for the reason i havent gotten back to you. Peace, talk to ya'll later if im not dead or i dont shoot a doctor for just wanting a paycheck and being stupid, Peace.

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