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Need Certain Script Help Real Bad Plz.


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Im trying to make it look like lightning is comming from the bow instead fo the arrow, but i have tried everything, cast functions, several different block types, etc. etc. and i cant seem to get anything to work, was hoping you all might know, i would delve into if elseif commands, but im not quite that advanced yet. I was thinking like condition hit target with arrow=1 if condition=1 Cast ShockSpell Target or something like that, that definately would not work as a script but im looking for something along those lines. Thanks guys Peace
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I don't really read you, but here's two versions.


scn OneWayAround
; By GBHis. Give me credit somewhere if you use this.
ref self
Begin ScriptEffectStart
set self to getself
cast shockspell self

This is a scripted spell enchantment to be placed on the arrow.

Cast shockspell on the target (hit by the arrow)


scn OneWayAround
; By GBHis. Give me credit somewhere if you use this.
ref self
Begin ScriptEffectStart
set self to getself
player.cast shockspell self

Will cast the shockspell beginning on the player and ending on the target. Scripted enchantment as well.


Do you need this to work for NPCs as well? (NPCs who's wielding the arrow)

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I don't really read you, but here's two versions.


scn OneWayAround
; By GBHis. Give me credit somewhere if you use this.
ref self
Begin ScriptEffectStart
set self to getself
cast shockspell self

This is a scripted spell enchantment to be placed on the arrow.

Cast shockspell on the target (hit by the arrow)


scn OneWayAround
; By GBHis. Give me credit somewhere if you use this.
ref self
Begin ScriptEffectStart
set self to getself
player.cast shockspell self

Will cast the shockspell beginning on the player and ending on the target. Scripted enchantment as well.


Do you need this to work for NPCs as well? (NPCs who's wielding the arrow)


Nope i only need it for the player character, im going to give this script a shot right now. Thanks alot dude, it looks like it might work. Peace

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Well the scripts work, but not quite, I want the animation that plays when you cast a standard on target shockspell (those little lightning bolts that fly from the hand) i want those to play from the player to the target whenever he is hit by an arrow.
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