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A rat follows me with a follow package but...


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I'm trying to make a rat follow the player through a follow package. It works, the rat follows the player. But when I go through the (teleport) door to a different cell, the rat won't follow. Is it because of the package or because it's a rat?


The package:

povssratfollow. Package type: follow. Skip fallout behaviour. Time: Any. Duration: 0. Target: PlayerRef


The rat: a rat. :rolleyes:


The official forums are going very slow lately. I need an answer so I can move on, there is still a lot to do :closedeyes:

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Must complete won't work because it's -any- time for 0 hours, which means.. Forever. And the rat DOES follow, just not through doors.


I just found out that that is simply because it's a rat. Creatures have difficulties following the player through doors. I was able to solve it with a simple script that checks whether the rat is in the same cell as the player. If not, the rat will be teleported to the player's location.


I found it out only a few minutes ago, so I couldn't edit my post yet. Thanks for the effort though!

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