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Problems combining appearence mods


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I have AKH eyes, Capucine's Eye Selection and Bald Hairstyle. AKH is the lowest of the three in OBMM's load order list. Now OBMM gives a red conflict for AKH with both other mods - even though Bald Hairstyle obviously has nothing to do with eyes. The way it worked in practice, I could see the eyes from the AKH mod when creating a character (though the new eyes weren't that many, which is strange and different from what the readme promised), but there were no eyes from the other set and no Bald choice for hair. The question: what gives?


I want to be able to use several appearence-changing mods together, and I'm afraid Natural Faces, when I download it, will throw a tantrum too. I don't think this is the issue with AKH, it's just that, somehow, the mods clash with each other. Any ideas?

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1) First, back them all up.

2) Open the CS. Open the Data... dialgoue, the same as you would to load a plugin.

3) Now, in the Data... dialogue, select each in turn (do NOT open them), and

--a) Click Details. This will open a window showing all changes.

--b) Remove the Race entries. I'm not sure exactly what the 4-letter code for this is, but I'd guess it's RACE.

3) Now, select your source plugins, and load them all. None should be active.

4) Open the Hair..., Eyes..., and Race... dialogues, making sure to move them so all 3 are visible at once.

5) In the Race window, select the race you want to add eyes and hair to.

6) Click on the Body Data tab.

7) Now, drag the hairstyles and eyes that you want into the corresponding boxes on the Body Data tab.

8) Hit "OK", and save the new plugin.


EDIT: I don't have any plugins that add eyes/hair on hand, but this should work.



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