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Character Creation Modification


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I know what i am about to suggest may not appeal to everyone but please be respectful, I am posting this because I like the idea and think it has potential.


1) Remove racial abilities, powers and skill bonuses - This i believe i can do myself, the rest though i cant


2) Adding in 3 new options in the character creation menu named "Ability", "Power" and "Skills". Then you should be able to choose 1 Ability and Power (Argonians and Bosmer is the only races Nerfed because of this as they normally start with 3 or 2 Powers respectively). You should be able to choose1 skill with 10 bonus in and 5 skills with 5 bonus in them.


Now i have played this game a lot and probably every races a few times over however if i want to roleplay a certain way with a certain race and skills, most times i can't. When i cannot combine skills and race i am left with 2 options:


1) Choose the race, loose the skills

2) Choose the skills, loose the race


In either of those two cases i am left with a nagging feeling that it is the wrong race or the wrong skill bonuses, either way the game turns into an insufferable grind to rech the last main quest. I realize that the skill bonuses doesn't mean all that much but why would a honest mage who have no other interest or knowledge other then magic and magical artifact have bonuses in pickpocking and sneak. There are plenty more examples but i want this thread to focus on the mod request and not on complaints. This mod is for when you just want to play a certain race with a certain skill bonuses, however i made sure to include starting ability and power because whatever arguments that can be said for or aginst choosing your own bonus skill can be applied to those as well




I also got a legendary mod request


1) Remove perk gain on level up

2) Add 1 perk gain on legendarying a skill

3) Add a ledgendaring cap equall the ammount of perks in said skill




I f you are a modder who sees this and are not interested in making these mods then may I ask you to spend a few seconds giving me pointers on where to start and general tips.


Everyone, thank you for reading, i'd love to hear your feedback.


~ W

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