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Tail Slot items not removed in jail? (Mod-Patch)


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Well now, I use this mod see, HDT Tails , but the author of the mod only listed the items as "equip" like armour or weapons. So, when I am sent to jail, my tail is removed and stuffed into the prisoner belonging chest; if it were a real tail, then ouch!

Anyway, I find it stupid that items under the tail slot like this can be removed by the guards. I'm looking for a mod or some console-command related trick I can use to prevent the guards from forcibly removing my tail (I would like to keep it on at all times, even when I am stripped to nude the tail remains on me; it is only when I am sent to jail that it goes!)

NOTE: This is more of a "mod-patch" request than a new mod altogether, any help would be appreciated. (I am not skilled using Creation Kit and have no knowledge in programming/scripting, so if I can make a patch for this mod myself I will need a lot of assistance. Thanks!)

Edited by Zuperbuu
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