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Oblivion mods not working?


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Okay well I got the game Oblivion a little while ago but never really got into moding it. Well I've decided I wanted to mod the game but when I do the mods eather wont work or just big yellow blocks show up where certain things are supposed to be. For example, I would like a new race but when I download the mod and put it in and choose what race I want to be the name of the race shows up but the character is invisible. and yes I downloaded the requirments for that mod to work. Armor mods are a little diffrent. When I go to the location to find the armor there is yellow blocks everywhere. I can pick up the armor and it shows in my inventory but when I put it on my character goes invisible. So I guess my question is, is there a certain type of patch or something I need to download in order to mod the game? Am I just doing something wrong? Or am I just screwed and never able to mod Oblivion? Any advice will be greatly appriciated.



I have tried to use Oblivion Mod Manager but that just made everything 20 times more confusing for me. :verymad:

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