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Growlf please read!!!

nick b

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Growlf, first of all i love your mods so i had a idea. i'm not so good at modding and your armors are amazing so i couldn't think of anyone better to turn to. if you have time make ivy, taki, nightmare, maxi and other fighters from soul calibur 2. I think it will be a big hit!! :)
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Send him a PM / Email instead of wasting our time like this. Chances are he won't see this anyway.

Exactly. If you choose to PM him (It's a him right? :happy: ) it would be best to do so on the official forums, because he is much more active there.

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Send him a PM / Email instead of wasting our time like this. Chances are he won't see this anyway.


GBHis, please be a little less aggressive. Did mortul waste so much of your time? You probably spent more time replying than reading it. You could easily have ignored it. But simply telling him that he has chosen the wrong way to get the message to Growlf would have done and saved my time too.


I read somewhere that Growlf was a 'she' but that could have been wrong.

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I read somewhere that Growlf was a 'she' but that could have been wrong.


Growlf is FEMALE??????


Whoa. Never would have expected that. Especially given what his or her body project looks like. Most girls aren't quite as into the "giant cartoony breasts" school of mesh redesign...

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