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Deadly Mutilation help


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Decided to try out this mod today. I have the Nexus Mod Manager installed. Currently, there should be no conflicting mods.

Anyway, earlier I simply went to the mod's page and clicked on the Nexus Mod Manager install. As you may imagine, this didn't work very well in-game. Everything was fine except that when mutilating an NPC, their torsos would go invisible. I did some research and figured out this thread that provides a detailed walkthrough of installation:

1) I did follow the steps, however I got stuck at one point. Installing 1.3.3 CORE was no issue. However, when I installed the vanilla mesh pack (as instructed), the mod manager told me this:

"A different version of Deadly Mutilation - dismemberment blood and gore - Deadly Mutilation V1_3_3 CORE has been detected. The installed version is 1.3.3, the new version is 1.3.3. Would you like to upgrade? Selecting No will install the new Mod normally."

I am given the options: "Yes, No, Cancel"

2) I then installed 1.3.4 as instructed, and followed the steps accordingly. I clicked No when it asked to update, although I was also confused when it stated:

"Data file 'Data\Scripts\DM_SkiConfigMenu.pex' has already been installed by 'Deadly Mutilation - dismemberment blood and gore - Deadly Mutilation V1_3_3 CORE' Overwrite with Deadly Mutilation - dismemberment blood and gore - Deadly Mutilation V1_3_4 Update mod's file?"

I am then given the options: "Yes to all, Yes to folder, Yes to Mod, Yes, No to all, No to folder, No to Mod, No"

Critical Questions:

1) When facing the corresponding issue (I labeled each section by number), what should I select? Is this supposed to take place at all, or did I do something incorrectly?

2) What option do I select here? Or is this option not supposed to be present?

Additional Details:

I did try a combination of the options given. A good few combinations, actually. All of them resulted in the in-game Mod Options either:

A) showing Deadly Mutilation and its logo, but no options for the mod.

B) showing Deadly Mutilation with no logo nor any options.

Previously, when I first installed the mod by simply using the nexus mod manager to install the mod directly from its page (Not 1.3.4, mesh pack, 1.3.4, etc. separately, But just clicking on the NMM Download on the description page), when I went into the mod menu, I was able to see that Deadly Mutilation and its logo was present, AS WELL AS a "general" tab beneath it which contained all the options for the mod. The only issue encountered during gameplay was that torsos of enemies went invisible.

What I desire:

Please read this topic and answer the above 2 questions. I am aware some of these may be common sense, others may not be. I am only here to get this modification working, as it seems like a pretty epic mod. I would therefor greatly appreciate any help given by those who have successfully installed this mod recently. Furthermore, if anyone is able to provide additional information aside from what the Tips Thread mentions, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

Thank you in advance

Edited by killerunicorn5
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