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Offical Mods?!!


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the guys on uesp.net - quests - official quests (sry if it is not allowed to add other pages here) have the solution and all you need is a hexeditor (its easy... really)... then youre able to edit these files as well as play them without patching your oblivion...


since there is no appropriate patch yet for every version of oblivion and the patch itselfs produces new bugs you should be legally able/allowed to edit these files so you can play them without destroying your game. :ph34r:

D'oh! You ruined my secret :)

He's right, it's VERY easy once you try it.


I don't think you can beat the official mods. Because you know that they are 100% Lore accurate, 100% clean and 100% well made. Plus, if you think that you shouldn't be paying for them, you can accuire them in, other ways.

1 - right, they _make_ the lore.

2 - Wrong. They leave a lot of unused testing-material. Half the Oblivion.esm is left-over test-scripts-and-items.

3 - Nope. They always take the fansy work-around, not the best fitting, resulting in odd filesizes.

I think *our* mods are superior to theirs. But thanks for making the game, BethSoft!





Marxist, I love your humor :)

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I don't think you can beat the official mods. Because you know that they are 100% Lore accurate, 100% clean and 100% well made. Plus, if you think that you shouldn't be paying for them, you can accuire them in, other ways.

1 - right, they _make_ the lore.

Marxist, I love your humor :)

I think we all do. 8)


Sure, since they make the lore everything they make is lore. Take Morrowind as example. Solstheim didn't exist until they released the expansion. They added that to the lore.


Adding new lore is fine with me. But adding lore that conflicts with the original lore? No. I don't know how they come up with that... Anyway, it's your (buyer) money, and their (Bethesda) plugin. Do whatever you want, lore is not everything. :happy:

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