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where should the next fallout game be located


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Washington and lower British Columbia.


The area, unlike the rest of the Wasteland, could be gripped in a near constant winter of rain-and-snow just to give a different sort of environment. The NCR would have expanded northward to try and take advantage of the vast swaths of forests that have regrown over the past several hundred years with limited human interference, so continuing their involvement in the story. Mount Saint Helen's would be active and being tapped by someone as a geothermal power source. It would be great exploring the ruins of Seattle or Victoria, seeing at least a bit of what became of Canada without moving totally outside the traditional United States setting.

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Just to post what too many people have forgotton- The Fallout universe is set in the AMERICAN post Apocalyptic war, so anywhere OUTSIDE America, will not even be considered unless people mod it there. But for me, Id like to see a new fallout game in the Mid Eastern area. Like Kentucky, Ohio, Tennesse and the area around that. Fallout has covered both the West and East coasts but nothing in the middle. That should be filled in. Not to mention something less desert like would be a nice change. Green grass and green trees would be a big + for Fallout.
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the next game should be set in either Detroit or Buffalo and document the Canadian invasion of the united states.


The Atomic Mounties always get their men!



Edited by danhibiki
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I would either say New York or London, they are both big cities and the architecture is interesting in both cities.


With New York however you have the problem of building it all and would probably drain your CPU, seeing as all the map would be a city im guessing. Unless its just Manhattan island and the countryside with the former skyscrapers in rubble.


As for London, i live in England so im always biased and it would be a change to set the game in a different continent and country. Loads more story options can be made, did the UK (or the EU kingdom by then probably) build Vaults like America? And if so were more people saved then in America? That way you could have a world full of much more people or more mutants.

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Fallout anywhere outside the U.S is a big no-no. Like it was already mentioned, the U.S 1950's culture is fundamental to Fallout games. Moreover, U.S has the most popular icons - places/cities in the U.S that were made popular in the world by Hollywood. Just saying that a Fallout game based in Tokyo or London or China would not be as interesting to the players outside those countries.


I wouldn't mind a change of the landscape from sandy and rocky wastes. On the other hand, it is exactly the sandy/rocky wasteland that projects the feeling of a post-apocalyptic world. Jungle or woods (similar to the woods near Jacobstown) would get boring really fast. I'm leaning towards a snow wasteland. But there is a number of problems with such landscape - no radscorpions and deathclaws and most importantly no bloatflies :) Too cold for them. Still, would be nice to see more snow.


Wherever the next Fallout will be I hope we won't have to spend much time going from A to B in the sewers or subways like in FO3. The subways in FO3 annoyed the hell out of me.

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