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Horsing Around


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I would love to see more stables in between major towns to give my faithful and much beloved, traveled and battle tired horse a well earned R & R, a horses retreat if you will. A stable I know will take good care of my horse/s by providing:


Best foods and fresh water,



Hoof cleaning,

Polished and conditioned saddle,

And a huge corral for my steed to be a horse with other horses while waiting for me to return for him / her.

(All at a fee of course)


Only the more established stables would be able to offer everything. Would not expect to see any NPC's actually performing any of these services, (dialogue would be sufficient), but when I returned for my horse I would think somehow I would know that my horse was well cared for, 0% to 100% refreshed, happy and ready for more Dragonborn / Follower adventures. I would also think that time would be a factor in the care and rested state of the horse. I wouldn't expect to leave my horse at any given stable at noon and at 10% rested, then be able to pick him back up at 3:00 p.m. the same day and all the services I purchased for him to be completed nor for my horse to be back at 100% rested.


I would like to be able to own enough horses so that I was able to rotate them from stable to stable; always being able to leave the tired steed and retrieving a R & R and groomed horse ready for the go.


Some of the stables would offer Saddler's, Trainer's, Wainwright's, Breeder's, maybe even (dare I live large) a Horse Whisperer?

(All at a fee of course).


Some of the stables away from major towns would offer tiny Trader's Post were a traveler can at least buy and sell a little food and drink, a pelt or two (pelts being needed to make saddles and backpacks). I say backpacks because though I love the horse mods out there already, a horsing looting and being an inventory is preposterous. Why not the saddle be the inventory rather than the horse? Saddles and or packs with a weight limit. There are saddles with pouches after all and horse packs have been around forever.


If allowed to dream BIG, I would like to have a pack mule. My Pack Mule wouldn't have any such nonsense as anyone riding him, but rather a "Foraging Follower" that would happily follow me and carry my burden while I forage. He would also be a cantankerous cuss fighting and defeating any that would harm him. Those he could not best (dragons and more powerful creatures) he would have enough good sense to flee, with all my goodies I had in his backpack naturally. Packs and saddles having weight limits for realism.


I have seen cart races, Star Wars X-Wings and even chicken fire bomb staffs, grand gambling halls, but yet no horse races... I say "What in Oblivion Sir?" Would love a "Skyrim Horse Track" were a player can buy and own race horses that they can visit in their stall and race when they visit the track. Obviously, I should like to be able to bet on the ponies! (For a fee of course).

*These race horses would not be mountable nor able to leave the track - well unless a talented Modder saw fit and able*.


Not sure if it is my bad luck, but I have yet to see any "Horses Gone Wild", wild herds roaming free on the plains Skyrim. As a player that often finds herself staring memorized by 101 Bugs and pausing to listen to the various lovely Birds songs in Skyrim, should love to see a few herds in large, "safe from all predators" corrals running, grazing and just doing what horses do together (a visual - nothing more). Dreams of grandeur, a colt or two running with the herd. Maybe a few big dogs guarding them from baddies that would do them harm.


Colts - I would think these little cute baby horses would be nothing more than a scaled down version of the Skyrim horses (yes I'm having Morrowind "Pegas Horse Ranch" flashbacks) if able to buy said colts, an NPC would raise it for me and for whatever purpose or job I would like the colt to have when grow, a mount, mule or off to the races. Perhaps the NPC Breeder would be able to tell me what he thinks the colt would be best suited and or would enjoy. (All for a fee of course). Naturally this colt would not be able to be mountable nor able to carry any packs. The colts job? Grow, become strong, play, be happy and cute! Thinking maybe some colts would never be able to grow up, such as those in corrals (pure visual).


I love horses, but would like to have some role playing, some realism to the "horse world" in Skyrim. Horses have provided man with so very much, from building our world, plowing our farms, aiding us in battle, entertaining to mere companions. Would love to spend more time with them in a world that appreciates them more for who they are and are not. I spend more time than I care to mention enjoying the fabulous mods that bring and improve the Skyrim domestic and wild animal Kingom to life, but our beloved horse are lacking.


Thanks for reading!

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I'm so very pleased and if truthful a healthy jealous of your writing. I gave up on my novel (well not given up - put on the back burner, ok when I say back burner I really mean I haven't thought about it for at least a year. To do so causes a pang of guilt I'd rather not entertain). The way you are pumping those books out a big name publisher is going to have to take notice of you soon and offer you a contract and a fabulous advance check!


Well Darlin' welcome to "aging", it decays us all. How is your mother doing? Your kitties? Boot the dog is still alive (I can't believe it) but he is going down hill fast. That has cost me a relationship because the dumb ass man could not understand when I said I could not, would not leave my dying dog of 13 + years for a stupid trip out of town. Ah well.


Be good to yourself!

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I'm not nearly that fast, I'm afraid. They'll pass me right up for people who can pump out 50k a month without breaking a sweat :sweat: Take your time but keep writing, anything written down is better than nothing (and living with those loud assed voices in your head) it doesn't have to be on the novel, write a bunch of shorts if that suits you better or try poetry. There was a time I wrote sonnets every day, not that any of them are worth sharing but because I needed to write and I wanted to get that structure down :pinch: Even a daily dairy is fair game though I always get bored with non fiction myself ;D


Mom's... well if you've seen my posts at CI's you know about the heart attack etc. That was very bad for a very long time but she's much better now.


The kitts are marvelous! Thriving despite the heat and taking everything in stride, as cats are wont to do :happy: They're a constant reminder that if I can't kill it, eat it or sit in it, it's not worth worrying over ;D They are a very important pillar of my happiness. And it's garden season :dance: It's a little bigger this year though still looking mighty scraggly. I'll get that magnificent cottage garden of my dreams eventually!

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