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Possible New Faction. *Take a look if interested.*


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Hello. I've had this idea for a new faction for a while now, I just thought I would share it and hopefully someone would be as thrilled as I am about it.


The layout is below.



Society of Survival

They are a large group of would-be BoS soldiers, Ex-Enclave, Mercs, etc.

Their' soul-mission is to learn more about the old world and survive in the unforgiving wastes.

They despise Raider clans, because of their tendency to use Pre-War tech for the wrong uses.

They've had a long feud with the BoS because the BoA wants to use Pre-War tech to help the wastes, while the BoS wants to keep it for themselves.Their organization was founded in 2270 by a Wanderer named Jacob Sterling.

Jacob was nothing more than a traveling farmer. He and his pet Brahmin Brutis would travel along the Mojave planting crops like Jalapenos, Banana Yucca fruits, etc. until the ground become to arid and dry. Then he would travel on to his next plot and farm.

One day when he was traveling along Highway 95, he came upon a small shack. He naturally stopped and looked inside to see what he could scavenge. He walked inside to find a skeleton clutching a small briefcase. The briefcase had the Vault-Tec symbol of the front. Jacob had stumbled upon a Garden of Eden Creation Kit. One of the rarest Pre-War items ever. He took the briefcase and continued on his travels. As time went on, he learned more and more about what he had found and kept it secret for many months. On March 25th, 2070, he and Brutis stopped at the old Mormon Fort in Freeside to speak to a friend of his, Mrs. Carry Goodwin. Carry was born and raised in Vault 21 and was very adept at science, government, and agriculture. Jacob had told her what he had found and she rejoiced. She told Jacob what kind of extraordinary possibilites could come from this device. He asked her what they should do. They decided on making their own society. A society that would help the Wasteland and its people. Jacob set off to recruit followers while Carry decided where they would go and begin building.

After months of planning, on November 4th, 2270, the Society of Survival was born. Their main headquarters is a very large office complex near Nellis. Though the people of Nellis do not like people coming and going through their territory, they have an exception for the SoS because of their good nature.

Besides the SoS's large compound, they have small outposts all over the Mojave and some in the D.C. area. Their outposts mainly consist of scientists researching soil and fauna in the area, though some outposts are meant for security of travelers and caravans.

The only people they are aloud to shoot on sight are any type of Raider.

The SoS may be a peaceful organization, they are not defenseless. They have a small army of troops known as the "Protecters".

Their government is a Democracy.


Their military ranks go from Greatest to Least:

Supreme Commander






Civilian Jobs include:




Soldier(List above)





Jacob Sterling has been President and Supreme Commander since the group's founding.

Carry Goodwin has been Vice President and Dignitary since the group's founding.


The SoS's main compound is surrounded by the organization's founding town called Prospero.


Please Message me if your interested in seeing this mod come to life. Im always Available.

Edited by MrMariposa
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