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Crashing within an Oblivion Gate


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I've already closed the gate near Kvatch. A second one has opened up north of the Imperial City. After this gate appeared, I installed Enhanced Daedric Invasion. I was inside the gate and fought my way a good distance until I met up with a Beholden which I could not slay with my current equipment/magic. I decided to backtrack and get out of the gate and back into Tamriel. There was a narrow bridge which I had to cross. As I neared the opposite side, the game crashed. I tried this about 5 or 6 times, and still it crashed. I even tried turning off the collision in the console, thinking maybe if I took a different route to the other side, it would work. This method also crashed. I finally had to use the console to bring me to the Imperial City Market District. I don't know if EDI is the cause of the problem. I noticed there were a lot more monsters and a few NPCs within the gate, most likely due to this mod. I'm not quite sure what the problem is. Maybe too many NPCs/monsters inside the gate and the engine can't handle it? I'm stumped, but I do know I don't want this to happen every time I enter a gate. Anyone know what could be the cause of this?
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