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Mount and blade-like archery


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I would absolutely love a mod that added an 'inaccuracy' feature, just like mount and blade. Many mods attempt to balance archery other ways, but for me the main issue with it is that anyone regardless of skill can shoot an arrow accurately and at range. I think this is wholely unrealistic and i'de love a mod, perhaps mcm compatible, that adds 'inaccuracy', 'power' and a crosshair for it.


Power should effect the travel distance of arrows, and inaccuracy, self explanitory. And I think the traits should be tied to archery skill not perks, and as your skill increases the crosshair gets tighter when you draw your bow, and your arrows travel farther and faster. Holding breath could tighten the crosshair a little more for a short time but no longer slow down time. I think this would be so rewarding.


Thoughts? Would a mod like this even be possible?

Edited by Axeface
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