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I want to overhaul the NPC/companion looks in the game without sacrificing some mods - does anyone know for sure if the these mods work together?


Animated Prostitution / Beware of Girl Body Replacer / Mikotos Beauty / Type_3 Armor Replacer


I'm trying to get some nude bodies, nice curves in armor/cloths, better faces, all while using the Animated Prostitution mod.


Or does someone have other mod suggestions for what I am looking for?



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i can't promise that this will work, but i don't see a reason why it shouldn't


i know that the BoG body replacer will work with the Type 3 armor replacer (the textures should be just fine, i believe)


as for AP and MB, they should work together just fine, but i can't promise, as i don't have AP

after reading the description of AP, it shouldn't actually change any NPC in terms of looks, so there shouldn't be a problem here


so all in all, you should be just fine using these together

of course, trial and error is the rule here

so give it a try, and if it all works, then all the better

if not, well, cross that bridge if it's there :thumbsup:

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i can't promise that this will work, but i don't see a reason why it shouldn't


i know that the BoG body replacer will work with the Type 3 armor replacer (the textures should be just fine, i believe)


as for AP and MB, they should work together just fine, but i can't promise, as i don't have AP

after reading the description of AP, it shouldn't actually change any NPC in terms of looks, so there shouldn't be a problem here


so all in all, you should be just fine using these together

of course, trial and error is the rule here

so give it a try, and if it all works, then all the better

if not, well, cross that bridge if it's there :thumbsup:


Alright man, thanks for the speedy response! I'll give it a whirl, stay tuned...

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