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The Secret White House


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OK. So the White House is a smouldering, ghoul-infested, radioactive crater. This is a given.




What if as the war was beginning the President realised that the symbol of American power was the biggest target on the continent, and had military engineers working around the clock to create a super top-secret bunker hidden in downtown D.C. that would act as an emergency White House during and after a nuclear exchange.


The premise is that it would be fairly close to the original so that the President could actually get to it in an emergency but far enough away it would not take the full impact of nuclear bombardment. Also it was still in the process of being built when the bombs dropped so it's very bare-bones and poorly stocked. As it stands the 'essential' rooms like the Oval Office, the attached television/radio broadcast booth and the President's personal bedroom are the only parts that are fully furnished and fully stocked.

Other things like kitchen, bathrooms, meeting rooms, additional sleeping areas and whatnot are semi-finished and the layout would be identical to that of the original White House. This is mainly an idea so that the player can if they want can claim the "White House" as their player home without really messing up the cannon "And over there is the crater where the White House used to be" cannon of the game.




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