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Deadly Reflex + Nehrim


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I was playing Nehrim for a couple of days with Deadly Reflex installed (nehrim patch) and everything seemed to be working. I could hit the Bash key with a Torch equipped and see the animation. I could hit the Dodge key and see the animation. I read about a dozen threads on Deadly Reflex but no one seems to mention this problem.


I reinstalled Nehrim after screwing up some texture packs (my rig could not handle Qarl's textures). I uninstalled and reinstalled to a new location. Reinstalled Deadly reflex, OBSE (tried v18 and 19) and now Deadly reflex is screwed up. I get the initial prompts to set the keys up (I set G for bash and H for dodge, with * for Mounted combat). I then press G to test and I see the animation. I can bash that way for a few seconds, then everything stops working.


It also seems that if I try to press the Dodge key (H) nothing works after that.


I tried deactivating the ESP and reactivating, got the prompts, tried different keys, tried the same keys... Same result. I tried with and without the mounted combat .esm.


I tried restarting a new game - same result.


My load order (double checked in OBMM) is, I think, correct:








Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp



QZ Easy Menus.esp






Deadly Reflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp


One more thing to note: the Hourglass item in my inventory does not have an icon. I can mouseover the empty-looking inventory slot and see the "Deadly Reset" bubble appear. I can click it, and have the prompts to reset keys. But the "icon" is blank.


What am I doing wrong?

Edited by Azziane
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