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Can someone change the guard armors, please?


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I have no idea who to mod. I've been meaning to teach myself for a while but I've never had the time. I'm not sure if this is a simple or complex request. I was wondering if anyone could change the guard armor of different holds to armor from Omegared99 - Armor Compilation (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10277/?)


Eastmarch/Windhelm - Mountain Armor


Falkreath - White Tree Armor


Haafingar/Solitude - Warmage Armor


Hjaakmarch/Morthal - Winterfell Armor


The Pale/Dawnstar - Battlemage Armor


The Reach/Markarth - Champion Armor


The Rift/Riften - Ranger Armor


Winterhold - Iron Island Armor


Whiterun - Thane Armor


If anyone could make this happen, that would be great, thanks :D

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This would be a very easy way to familiarize yourself with the CK, try using this tutorial: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/tutorials/article/116-creating-skyrim-armor-in-blender-part-6-adding-armor-to-the-creation-kit/


That will show you how to put an armour into the ck. all you need to do is replace the respective guard armours with the armour you want for example. Instead of creating your armour addon just change the guard one. I hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else or don't understand, I'm not sure that I explained well :smile:

Edited by Scg666Mod
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