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Throw Grenades Farther


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Ok i looked all over new vegas nexus and fallout3 nexus and couldnt find a simple mod that made grenades thrown a bit more realistic. Now in terms of realistic i mean, they go a little farther when thrown and act more real after they leave your hand. Now for fallout3 on the nexus there is a mod that i will link below that makes grenade physics more realistic, but as far as i can tell it doesnt increase throw distance at all. If their is a console command or a setting to change this someone please let me know. Otherwise im wondering if a decent mod maker could slap it together real quick for me. If you can just convert the realistic physics mod from fallout3 nexus and make the grenades go a bit farther i would really appreciate it. Thanks ahead of time for any help i get.


Better Grenade Physics -- FO3

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