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Mask Request


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Hey so I just need somebody to please make for the the Hero's Charm Mask from the Legend of Zelda, the Wind Waker. Don't worry if you don't know what this is, I will attach a picture that you can work with. Now, details of the mask, well, in the Zelda game, when wearing the mask the PC could see the health levels of all of his enemies. Another sweet idea might be an information grab in the mask's sight giving the information on any enemy seen so, example: Enclave Member, wearing (list what the npc enemy is wearing), height, weight, weapons carried, ammo amount, male or female. If you want to get really creative with this, you can add night vision or heat vision to the mask when it gets dark as well as add an actual spoken (female please) voice for the information grab. Again if you are going to pursue this project in full I give 99% credit to the actual maker. PLEASE PLEASE put plenty of careful working and detail into the textures, meshes, sounds, abilities, and any other features that come with the making of this could-be spectacular player mask. TY If you want to contact the creator of the idea, see him at http://www.facebook.com/LightningDragon. I am just his personal ad agent. TY




Edited by TimEric
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