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Better Talon


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To tell everyone now if i could do this i would not be asking never scripted anything before and don't know how and i never seen anything like this done. Sounds like it would be fun to be able to do.



Can someone make the Talon and regulators joinable in a version were when you get the contract killer perk a menu would pop up asking which one you want to join and they hate you at first but when you bring ears or finger in they start to like you more and more and after bringing like 5 in you can get a contract to assassinate someone and after you get like 7 more you get another and maybe a spare room at some of the bases to sleep in and vendors to make them more interactive rather then them just to be in there to kill and make being able to join dependent on being evil or good and being very evil or very good in the one that you are in they might like you a little better but if you become goo and you were evil they will kick you out of the faction and put a bounty on your head and for and alternate way to join talon blow megaton up and Burke asks you i know there are mods out there that make it were you can join them but the only thing they do is make it so they don't attack you and make what one you can join dependent on karma.

Edited by mrpointless11
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