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Ashes to Ashes - Discussion Thread

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Name: Bjorn One-Eye

Gender: Male

Age: Late Thirties

Physical Description: Powerfully built, long brown hair, scarred torso with a missing right eye that is scarred over in a grotesque clump of scar tissue.

Nation of Origin Kingdom Of The Nords

Fighting Style Berzerker, two-handed long axe and hand to hand

Equipment and Clothing: He wears light chainmail armor with large thick metal armbands, along his left arm is a series of gold armbands that he has earned from his years on the battlefield. Around his neck is a bone carving of a bear. He carries a long-hafted battle axe and sometimes a shield for use on an open battlefield, along with a dagger and a handaxe.

Background: Bjorn was born into a warrior family, serving as Huscarl for a Jarl Ranulfsson for years, fighting in his personal bodyguard unit. It was during a battle with Swadia when Jarl Ranulfsson betrayed his fellow Nords and left them to die at the hands of the Swadians as prisoners. Later that night when the Swadian army made camp, Bjorn was able to slip his bonds, slice a guards throat and help free the few Nord survivors. They got their hands on some weapons and charged into the Lords tents, killing their way through the retinue to the traitorous Jarl. Once the tent was coated in blood, Bjorn and the Huscarls removed his head and tossed it into the privy before fleeing from the Swadians. They left Calradia for distant lands where they fought and died as mercenaries in unknown battles. Bjorn was the last of the Huscarls and returned to Calradia.

Reason for Becoming an Adventurer: Wanderlust mostly, his revenge slated he lost all faith in anything but his axe. When his comrades were dead he began to fall into deep despair, he took to drink and swore an oath to the gods to remember the names of his fallen brethren and once again, serve an honorable Lord.

Edited by Macman253
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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, guys. I thought I'd make things a little more interesting (and perhaps more motivating for social climber characters) regarding the noble titles in Calradia. I like the look of the ones used in the Floris mod a lot, so I decided to adopt them for the RP. I think they're more immersive and definitely add more depth to the nobility. So, the noble rankings are as follows for each kingdom.


King - rules a nation

Duke - rules a city and its villages

Count - rules a castle and its village

Baron - rules a village

Lord - landless


*Female equivalents are named after the slashes.

*Names in parenthesis are for un-landed and unmarried females.


Swadia Vaegir

- King / Queen - Velikiy Knyaz / Velikiy Knyaginya

- Duke / Duchess - Knyaz / Knyaginya

- Count / Countess - Boyar / Boiaryna

- Baron / Baroness - Posadnik / Posadnitsa

- Lord / Lady (Mistress) - Dvorianin / Dvorianska (Mestari)


Rhodok Nord

- Doge / Dogaressa - Konungr / Drottning

- Patrizio / Patrizia - Hertogi / Hertogafru

- Conte / Contessa - Jarl / Greifynja

- Barone / Baronessa - Hersir / Baronsfru

- Signore / Signora (Padrona) - Heera / Fru (Mesterinde)


Khergit Sarranid

- Khan / Khathun - Sultan / Sultana

- Wang / Wathun - Mushir / Mushira

- Noyan / Nohi - Quadi / Qadiya

- Darga / Darthun - Sheik / Sheika

- Taishi / Behi (Gongzhu) - Sayyid / Sayyida (Maulana)

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Going to try and come up with a character sheet for the character Mason asked me to play, sometime tonight or tomorrow. Seeing as it's 2:00 AM... Probably won't have it posted until tomorrow. This is a placeholder post letting everyone know I'm working on it, since everyone is offline. Hopefully I don't get side-tracked. :sweat:

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OK, so apparently there's a bit I need to make clear:


- Armies and/or characters with no names are considered NPCs and may be treated as such. They are fair game for attack and/or defeat UNLESS the character with the PC in charge of them suggests otherwise. Such suggestions MUST be written in this discussion thread to be considered valid, so that all role-players can see and will understand what is meant to happen with such NPCs. Please exercise common sense when dealing with NPCs, ie: an entire army will not fall to one person.


This will also go up on the main rules page as an additional rule.

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Righto, then I shall get to work with naming Cair's crew then XD.


And Mac, go back and read where people are before you have Bjorn start swinging his axe around, Cair's crewmen are hidden in the trees, nowhere near the group and they most certainly wouldn't have let Bjorn get even remotely close to them.

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