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Ashes to Ashes - Discussion Thread

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Name: Emina Yuliy

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Physical Description: The epitome of femininity, Emina stands at a dainty 5'1", with a lean and much-envied figure among the women of her village. She has a small, heart-shaped face and large eyes, with a small nose and rosy lips. With her long black hair known for its curls and shine, along with pale, flawless skin and emerald eyes, good manners, and quiet temperament, Emina was the object of desire for many men of her village and even some from other towns and countries.

Nation of Origin: Vaegirs

Fighting Style: Emina prefers not to fight, but carries a dagger nonetheless, and is quite proficient with it, so long as the combat is simple. Her real talent, however, lies in archery. Even though it "is unflattering", she will occasionally use a bow, only rivaled by her brother in skill.

Equipment and Clothing: Currently wearing a crude, short dress showcasing her pale skin, trimmed with wild-looking furs, along with a thick fur cloak and a pair of sturdy boots. She has a dagger strapped to her thigh.

Background: Emina, like her brother, Komolov, was born and raised in the village of Ayyike. Her parents were each of different descent, and her mother was responsible for most of Emina's looks. She grew up on the family's farm, but ventured into town on occasion. Despite her nearly impoverished upbringing, Emina was sought after by many suitors in her nineteen years of life, but never was promised to anyone due to doting parents who deemed none of the suitors good enough for any of their daughters. She was taught archery by her father, who believed it important that all of the family know how to hunt in case something were to happen to him or Komolov.

Reason for Becoming an Adventurer: Kidnapped and forced into a nomadic lifestyle. Upon her village being pillaged and her family torn apart, Emina, deemed the most beautiful of the three sisters, was married to the bandit chief, while her sisters were sold to the highest bidders.

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Consider this my resignation from Ashes to Ashes until I say otherwise. I'm quitting it until further notice.

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In order to ensure that posting is constant and efficient, I am instituting another rule for the RP, effective immediately. It is as follows:


All members are expected to post a minimum of once per week. If a member fails to post again within a week after his or her most recent post, it will result in that member receiving a warning and only one more week to post in the RP before he or she is removed from AtA entirely. Exceptions to this rule include personal issues such as those involving work, school, family, etc., but members are required to inform me about them. If something arises that keeps a member from the RP, they can just let me know, and that member will be excused from posting until he or she can officially return.

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I am sorry I have not posted this but I need to pull out until the 1st of September. I am in school and my quarter ends then, after that I will have vastly more free time since it is my last quarter at that school. Sorry for not telling you all ahead of time, just been swamped in work, testing and lab time.

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