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Ashes to Ashes - Discussion Thread

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Welp, here's my little character to add to the mix. Hope y'all like him:


Name: Aidan Airdsgainne
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Physical Description: Standing at 6'0," Aidan possesses an imposing figure, with broad
shoulders, a sturdy build, and a muscleature that seems more likely to found in a
smith than one of his current profession as a surgeon. Long red hair pulled back in a
ponytail and a trimmed beard to match, both beginning to gray prematurely, combined
with his analytical pale blue eyes, belies his true age, making him appear as though
older and more experienced (an assumption some make that entertains Aidan often).
Faint burn marks on his fair skin and calloused hands only serve to further suggest
his smithy-like appearance.
Nation of Origin: Foreigner
Fighting Style: Reflecting his pragmatic, blunt nature, Aidan prefers to use a
knighthammer, one that has been balanced for use in one hand should he need a shield
but with room enough for a two-handed grip (his favorite way to use it). He realizes
that not all combat will allow him to close in with his hammer, though, so Aidan has
some proficiency in using the light crossbow he has picked up over the years.
Equipment and Clothing: For combat, Aidan wears a simple chain shirt with a dark green
surcoat with no insignia. For further protection, he wears a kettle helm and has a
kite shield, which is also dark green with no heraldry. Outside of combat, Aidan
wears a dull grey tunic and plain leather breeches. He also owns a stubborn painted
steppe horse.
Background: Aidan grew up alongside his twin brother Aindreas as part of a simple
merchant family. Both twins showed a sharp intellect and curiosity, and so, being
somewhat wealthy in nature, their parents made sure that both twins received a
thorough education. Though they chose different professions to follow (Aidan, being
the more taciturn, blunt, and pragmatic, becoming a smith, while Aindreas, the more empathetic
of the two, chose to be a scholar and surgeon), both showed a keen interest in what
the other brother was practicing (as the two saw their trades to both be smithy-work,
just one involved metal and the other flesh and bone) and both proved to be able
additions to their family and the small town in which they lived.
Reason for Becoming an Adventurer: Exiled. Aidan was forced to leave his homeland for
murdering another man. The man had killed his brother Aindreas in grief after the
man's son died despite his brother's efforts, and Aidan, in angry retribution,
returned the favor. Though understood by the elders of the town, who felt Aidan's
crime did not warrant death, they could not leave the smith wholy unpunished, and so
instead elected to exile Aidan under pain of death. With a heavy heart, the tools of
his trade, and many of his brother's medical books, Aidan left his homeland on a ship
to the neighboring land of Calradia, hoping to become, as he and his late brother
called it, a smith of both worlds.
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josh900 is receiving his first official warning for not posting within a week of his previous post.


Josh, you've got one more week to post before being removed.

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GrueMaster is receiving his first official warning for not posting within a week of his previous post.


Grue, you've got one more week to post before being removed.

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FreemasonGamer is receiving his first official warning for not posting within a week of his previous post.


Mason, you've got one more week to post before being removed.


At this rate, it looks like I might have to close this one after all.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Raleigh The Bastard

Gender: Male

Age: Late thirties, does not know his age.

Physical Description: Tall, dark hair tied back into a pony tail when he fights, long and loose when he isn't. Large muscles and fit form, Has a missing left eye and a thick burn scar over the left side of his face that gives him a near permanent sneer.

Nation of Origin: Rhodok

Fighting Style: Prefers to fight using his Halberd, Cleaver. But is an excellent shot with a large siege crossbow he calls Darling. Adept at sneaking and scouting.

Equipment and Clothing: Studded leather armor, boot knife, Siege Crossbow, Halberd and Tower Shield but will only use it in sieges, the rest of the time he doesn't use it.

Background: Raleigh was a Sergeant with the Rhodok Militia under the command of Count Reland, he served honorably, pushing back several Swadian advances with his men, all of them convicted criminals serving out their times in the Militia. Raleigh was convicted of skullduggery and knifemanning (General criminal charge and assassin for hire) In Jelkala, instead of being executed he was conscripted, his do or die nature and keen eye placed him in the elite of the Rhodok Militia quickly, he became a Sergeant within the first year of his ten year sentence. Picked by Count Reland personally to head his own regiment of skirmishers.

Raleigh lead the regiment with honor, even drawing the attention of King Graveth himself, much to the dislike of Reland. In a battle on the outskirts of Yalen, Nealcha and Reland battled Count Montewar, the cunning Swadian was able to outflank Nealcha and inflicted considerable damage, Nealcha who at the time was in command of Raleigh and his skirmishers fled, running to his father and blaming the fall of his defensive line on Raleigh, who was injured in the battle and most of his skirmishers fell in the gruesome defense. Raleigh was officially outlawed for a failure that was not his own, he was plucked from the doctors tent and imprisoned. The night before his hanging, he was able to free himself, cut the throat of his guard and flee into the night, turning his back on the Kingdom Of Rhodoks and seeking employment as a mercenary.

Raleigh soon found gainful employment under the command of Jarl Haeda as a scout. He ranged for the Jarl and became one of his trusted soldiers. Raleigh enjoyed his new life as a mercenary that was until on a hunting trip Raleigh failed to spot a boar before it charged the Jarl, it gored the Jarl's favorite horse before it was killed. Jarl Haeda had Raleigh imprisoned in his dungeons at Knudarr Castle, and there he waits to be freed or an opportunity to free himself.

Reason for Becoming an Adventurer (opportunity, revenge, etc): A variety of reasons, the first and foremost is self-preservation. Secondly is revenge against Count Nealcha and Jarl Haeda, and finally greed.

Edited by Macman253
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