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Evergreen Mod Not Working


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I have Evergreen installed through FOMM. Also using Fose and FOedit. Running CASM, minihideout, NMC's textures, Fellout, projct beauty... Everything seems to be working except for Evergreen. I have installed, activated, reinstalled... Not sure what else to do so I posted here. Anyone know what I may have overlooked?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Try reinstalling the mods using FOMM this time. If this does not work, knowing the natures of Fellout and Project Beauty, turn those two off (one at a time; test, then try turning it back on and turn the other off, test)..


See if that helps. Project Beauty probably would have no effect on evergreen. However, I am very confident that fellout and evergreen likely conflict, as Fellout is known to change textures on the ground as well (particularly and most notably, the rocks). It's possible that Fellout and Evergreen might be having an 'arguement' over what color the rocks should be.


Be sure that Fellout's Greener Grass is turned off. It's a guaranteed conflicter.




Reading the subtitle to the forum topic, and re-noting that you're not seeing the esp.. You do not appear to be crashing.. the mod just isn't doing anything. It's possible that your download of Evergreen is incomplete.


I downloaded both versions of Evergreen 1.7 It does not have an esp. It relies solely on a thing called an Archive Invalidater.


Sadly due to the lack of plugins, you MUST pull out your archive invalidater (I recommend http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=229 this one as it is able to actively hunt for changes made to Fallout 3 that aren't caught by FOMM and the AI invalidated.)


This should fix your problem completely.


Good luck!

Edited by Koniving
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  • 4 weeks later...

hey, a side point on whats the better mod, decided to give Evergreen a go and didnt like it as much (seems a little too uniform) but after playing Greenworld a few weeks, have to say theres too much overlap where trees shouldnt be. Mainly on bridges, but also at Tenpenny Towers, and a couple other building, and theyre full size trees in there.


Now ive got a third one Greenerworld with a similar style to Greenworld but none of the overlap sofar. If you were going to check it out but didnt like the coloring, could also use it with Autumn

Edited by nisen
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