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Camera bouncing?


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So I decided to play Skyrim again. Due to my pc lagging I had to uninstall some mods, what caused my game to be buggy. (NPCs & me frozen)

I had to use that FNIS tool (/Data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users) which fixed that problem. But now my camera is bouncing up and down when standing still. It doesn't really seem like a bug, more like a new feature. I saw that bouncing in many games. It's like your character is breathing or just moving a bit up and down because he got into fighting position.

But is there any way to disable that? It's pretty annoying to me.



EDIT: I just scrolled out to see my character and what I saw then...kinda shocked me tbh. How the hell did that happen and how do I fix it?


Edited by Noreechin
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