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Changing Avatar

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Due to a change in the underlying architecture (because we needed to address some serious performance issues) now we have to send the avatars to a different server so the change will not be immediate. I'm trying to reduce this sync time as much as I can (it will still take about 5 minutes to sync your new avatar to all of the image servers) and the browser cache is likely causing the problem you are experiencing with one page showing one avatar and one page showing another one. A temporary fix would be to wait 5 to 10 minutes after changing your avatar and then reload the page refreshing your browser cache (Ctrl + F5 for most browsers).

I'm still working on a way to make this seamless and quick, sorry for the inconvenience at the moment :(

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Well, I tried the ctrl F5 thing the page reloaded but it is the same issue only now including this new avatar in addition to the other two. I definitely won't be touching the avatar section for a while. I am beginning to think it is on not my end anymore as Eolhin says she sees this on my posts/profile as well even when I am offline. it is not a huge issue, it is not like I can't download files or something like that, thanks for continuing to look into this.

Edited by ZZZ02
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  • 7 months later...

The problem seems to be more complex than it looked at the beginning. I've tried fixing it several times in a quick way but apparently it misbehaves more than I'd like and doesn't update the avatar when it should. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'm reverting the code not to use the CDN at all at the moment until I can fix the issue in a 100% reliable way. Your avatars should now be shown correctly (hopefully) but they will not use the CDN so they could take more time to load.

Sorry again folks :(

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