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Ashes to Ashes - A Mount&Blade: Warband RP


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Cameron sighed and rolled his eyes when the declaration of war was given to the Duke. "They never learn, do they? A shame. One would think that cutting down swathes of Nordic warriors in their primes would teach them otherwise. Even animals know not to linger where the predators lie."


He looked at Klargus. "And... yes, I shall. I've a duty to my country." He gave Bellatrix a look that said We'll speak of this afterwards. "I haven't charged onto a proper battlefield in months." He added wistfully.


"If that is all, we should take our leave." He told Bellatrix. "The Duke has a war to tend to, and we have matters of our own to discuss."

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Klargus nodded to Cameron and clapped a hand on the knight's shoulder, "Then I will expect you to follow me closely when we decide to move. We will need all of our strength together for an initial assault to cripple the Nordic forces." He glanced to the companions, then back to Cameron, "And I would advise you recruit as many soldiers as you can in that length of time. You'll need more than...common mercenaries on your side."


With that, Bellatrix bowed to the Duke, ignoring his barely-veiled insult, and turned on her heel, leading them back to the very same tavern they had all met in. Once there, she ordered enough ale for them all and sat at a side table, eager to slake her thirst and sate her hunger...


...and to hear of what Cameron had to say. His decision to join Swadia in the fray seemed unusual considering his contempt for many of his fellow noblemen.

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Bjorn seethed with hate and pain. He wanted to cave the prissy swadians head in when he spoke of his people as animals but he chose to ignore it for now. Later when they were in the tavern Bjorn kicked a chair in rage, the chair flew across the room and shattered as the Nord bellowed. He raised his axe and pointed it at Cameron.


"You an' me! You prick sucking Swadian princess!" He growled, "I will drink from your broken skull!" He growled at the Swadian

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"I assure you, my Lord, that they are not simply common mercenaries." Cameron told the Duke, before bowing respectfully and following Bellatrix out the door to the tavern, where Bjorn quickly made his anger known.


Cameron snorted at the Nord's challenge and didn't even stand from his seat, staring at his potential foe with a dismissive air. "Quaint. Nord, I don't believe you comprehend just how fortunate you are that you yet live, given Swadia's being at war with your people- again - and our being within walking distance of one of Swadia's marshals. I don't believe you comprehend that all it takes to have you hung and quartered is to keep pointing that axe at me...if I don't carry out your execution myself."


He raised an eyebrow as his tone turned from somewhat affronted to something lower, more serious. "And what if you lower that axe? If you possess any modicum of intelligence, you're pondering that at this very moment. If you lower your axe? Perhaps I won't take you outside and slay you on the spot. Perhaps I won't simply bark that there's a Nord infiltrator in town and watch as they cut you apart tomorrow morning." The Swadian Knight tsked as if a thought suddenly occurred to him. "But alas, allowing you to escape with your life simply results in your attacking me on a later occasion. When my back is turned, perhaps." He stood up at last, bearing his shield and drawing his mace, slipping his wrist through the leather strap that kept it anchored to his wrist.


But instead of a polite gesture of after you towards the door, he tilted his head towards Bellatrix, still keeping his eyes on the Nord. "How would you see this resolved, Lady Bellatrix? If you've a more...unorthodox solution in mind, I'm more than willing to hear you out. If not, then the good Nord's fate is sealed."

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Bellatrix rolled her eyes, her fist clenching and then slamming on the table as she barked, "I would like for you both to sit DOWN, shut UP, and let us enjoy an evening in peace! Because it may be the LAST peaceful evening we have for a very long while!" She then pointed a finger at the Nord, "Bjorn! If you have so much of a problem with Swadia, then get out of Swadian lands or grow a thicker skin! By all that's holy, I've never seen women as sensitive in all my life!"


Turning to Cameron, she added, "And you, knight...stand down; resist the challenge, and there is no fuel for the fire. There is nothing dishonorable in ignoring an idiotic provocation. Something our Nord friend here could also learn." She glanced back to Bjorn, "Cameron is right, and I think you should let his words sink in a little before you do something you'll regret."


The sword sister then jerked a thumb at the shattered chair, "And I'm not paying for that out of our reward money."

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Bjorn glares into the Swadians eyes. "They are not my people... but you insult me, it will not be forgotten Swadian." He growls as he steps closer, keeping his axe near. "We won't always be in Swadian cities.. anything can 'appen to a man on a battlefield." Says the Nord with a murderous glare. "Remember that Swadian... rank an' a woman won't protect you forever." He added before spitting on the floor and leaving for upstairs. Not even bothering to pay for the broken chair and completely ignoring Bellatrix.

Edited by Macman253
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Komolov released a sigh once they had stepped foot outside of Klargus's keep; the slight awkwardness of their brief visit with the Duke of Dhirim had grown more than the Vaegir would have desired by the time he and his companions found a good opportunity to take leave. However, the tension had followed them beyond the noble house and into the city proper, and a certain dissension among the mercenaries grew with every step until they had reached the inn. When Bjorn finally lashed out and had his aggressive outburst against Cameron within the inn, Komolov cringed as the others of the establishment grew silent. The confrontation in its entirety both annoyed and worried the Vaegir something fierce; as the Swadian knight had informed the Nord, Dhirim's current state of war meant that the entire guard force of the city could fall upon Bjorn—and possibly the rest of the party with the logic of guilt by association—with as little as a single shout of alarm. Thankfully, Cameron's suave demeanor and Bellatrix's common sense defused the situation and sent Bjorn pouting upstairs, even though he refused to pay for the vandalism he had committed against one very unfortunate chair belonging to the innkeeper. So, Komolov breathed a deep sigh of relief once peace returned to the inn before he made his way to the bar. With what denar he had, the Vaegir paid the innkeeper for the chair's destruction, ushering a sincere apology for his comrade's behavior before ordering himself a bottle of red ale.


With the bottle of ale in hand, the Vaegir spared a smirk before he returned to the very table he had occupied days earlier when he had met the others of the party. Pulling out an all too familiar chair, Komolov sat down with his back facing the wall before he slung his composite bow and his halberd over the back of his chair. Savoring the crisp scent of alcohol that drifted out of the bottle after he tore its cork away with his teeth, Komolov sighed comfortably before spending the next several moments enjoying his drink; divines knew he deserved at least a moment's pleasure. Once his consciousness grew hazy along its fringes from the upcoming intoxication, he wiped his lips with his sleeve before turning to his companions.


"So," He began with a sigh, "We have our pay in our pockets, a Nord prone to temper tantrums in our midst, and an upcoming fight of unprecedented scale in our future. What say you all about this mess?"


Taking another swig from his bottle, he inquired further, "We have three, four days to get out of here before real trouble sets in? Pffft."

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Cair could hardly believe his eyes, somehow him and his group had managed to wind up in the exact same tavern as those that annihilated the gang of bandits they had previously been traveling with. And yet here they were, ready to tear into each other's throats not but a few feet away.

"Well.." He spoke aloud after the dust had settled. "See you folks are celebrating you're victory just right." He snickered, not too concerned about whether they would attack him or not, after all it was them that started the fight to begin with, he would have been more than happy to have kept their previous meeting all peaceful-like.

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"I was going to compensate the owner for the chair, but thank you." Cameron dumped a small pile of denars, the exact same amount the chair had cost, into Komolov's hand. "Hardly a need to waste your own funds on my account, I've more than enough to keep myself in fighting shape."


He turned to Bellatrix. "I mean no disrespect, but...are you entirely certain that your decision regarding the Nord is a wise one? To trust him to aid us in a war against his home country on its own would be an unlikely gamble at best, but to do so when he all but outright stated he plans to stab me- and by extension, us - in the back, is outright foolhardy. His death is the most practical option. Letting him live- even in prison- gives him a chance to make us pay for it." The Knight sipped from a goblet of wine before adding, "Granted, it's possible he only intends for me to meet a nightmarish end, but - pardon my arrogance in saying so - my death would deprive you of a valuable asset. And if nobility, however ostracized, is slain in your company, it is likely the crown would hold you responsible despite the one-eyed braggart being a rogue element."


He looked Bellatrix directly in the eye, ignoring the obnoxious buffoon on the other side of the room. "Whatever your case, if he draws a weapon on me again, I will slay him."

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Bellatrix took a deep gulp of her ale, then smiled wickedly at Cameron, "His strategy works both ways, yes? Who's to say, should he follow through with his plan, that he does not end up just one extra casualty on the enemy side?"


"True," the knight replied, "But a betrayal can kill more than the battle itself would otherwise. I doubt this particularly thickheaded neanderthal to be capable of such devastation, but underestimating an opponent is a potentially fatal mistake."


She looked down at her hands, "Rest assured that if he does betray us...me...I will personally make sure that his bravado does not harm anyone again. He'll be missing both his eyes, if he's lucky. His life if he's not. By my hand, no less."


He looked sidelong at her."I believe that much entirely. I do not, however, agree with giving him the opportunity in the first place."

"Then we'll agree to disagree," she said sharply, raising a brow at the knight before nodding to Komolov, "We have a bit of time to get out of here before the Nords start eying the town, yes. That's if they decide to forgo Tilbaut and Derchios Castles."


It was at that moment that Bellatrix noticed the gawking rogue across the room, and she glared at him with hard sapphire eyes, "You devil...you've a lot of gall to show your face here. I've a mind to call the guards at once to arrest you."

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