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Ashes to Ashes - A Mount&Blade: Warband RP


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Bellatrix raised an eyebrow and wiped a lock of red-blonde hair from her face, "Bellatrix de l'Aeryngton. I'm from outside Calradia as well...fancy that." She sighed and put her hands on her hips, ordering a bite to eat for herself. Then, she added as she waited on her order to be filled, "So. About those goods. We haven't sold any of the loot we gained from the camp, yet, so you're in luck. Komolov took most of it, and he should still have it, unless it disappeared during his drunken stupor last night."


Glancing to Cameron, she continued, "Amere...I do believe that's one of Baron Mirchaud's villages, yes? I suppose he would be pleased if the goods were returned to his people. I wonder if that was where he was headed when we met him on the road."

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"You and I, at least, will have the situation well in hand." Cameron glanced at Bellatrix as she mentioned choosing one's battles. "I daresay you are more than a match for a competent Swadian, to say nothing of a pack of unwashed barbarians the likes of which we are likely to slay by the dozens." Finishing his meal, he stood up at last, the chainmail he still wore clinking as he moved. "Now, I intend to get a decent night's rest, and to bring myself to a more...presentable state." He nodded to Bellatrix. "I bid you good night, Lady Bellatrix."


Despite the rather middle-class nature of the inn itself, Cameron found the beds to his satisfaction, being as clean as an inn's beds could get, neat and well-kept. He bathed thoroughly - keeping his blade beside him, in case Bjorn barged in with an axe and unsavory intentions - before dressing himself for bed and checking that the door was locked. Once he ensured that it was, he slipped into bed and, grateful for the soft mattress after several days in a sleeping bag, fell quickly into a deep sleep.




In the morning, he took a few minutes to shave before heading downstairs, garbed in a black sleeveless waistcoat over a white shirt and dark breeches, all meticulously adjusted until he wore it impeccably. The red drake of the Haringoths was stitched noticeably, but not gaudily or indiscreetly, into the waistcoat's chest. Even the longsword at his side matched the outfit instead of dissuading from the upper-class look.


Bellatrix was already speaking with the bandit in the corner, though the two of them seemed icy at best. Cameron continued his pattern of ignoring the ruffian and simply sat down with porridge and a light wine for breakfast, taking care not to make a mess of any sort.


A shame that Bellatrix is the exception among foreigners, rather than the norm. He thought drily, upon catching that Cair was from outside Calradia as well. But alas, lowlives are a universal plague, not a national one.


The line of thought vanished when Bellatrix addressed him, asking about Amere. He swallowed what he was eating before responding. "Indeed it is. It is not a lengthy journey, either, being just beyond the hills around Ushkuru. A competent horseman - or woman - is quite capable of making a round trip before Swadia's forces gather four days from now." He raised an eyebrow at her thinking, impressed. "The townspeople would no doubt like their unlawfully-obtained goods returned...and indeed, Baron Mirchaud would be more than pleased to hear of our aiding his subjects."

Edited by Flipout6
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Numbed by the discomfort of his hangover from the previous evening spent washed away in a tide of red ale, Komolov only half-listened to his companions' conversing as he nibbled on the loaf of bread he had ordered for breakfast. Because of his sickened state, Komolov's stomach felt as knotted as a mangled fishing net, and his mind was still hazy at best. Despite all of this, the Vaegir was more or less content, focused mainly on breathing and keeping down his breakfast. Once he had eaten his fill and washed it down with a flask of refreshing water, Komolov finally aimed his complete attention towards his fellows as they spoke. When the Vaegir overhead Bellatrix mentioning the looted goods he had gathered after their battle with the bandits, Komolov cringed after he failed to recall where he had left them. It was clear that Komolov didn't have a care in the world before he went to bed the night before, for he had even left his composite bow and halberd slung over his chair downstairs.


Hoping that his carelessness hadn't resulted in the loss of their goods, Komolov quickly grabbed his equipment off his chair and wandered outside with a brisk, slightly staggering pace. He glanced around worriedly before finally spotting his horse in the stables outside the inn, and the Vaegir heaved a heavy sigh of relief when he saw the sacks of goods still tied down onto the steed's saddle. Quickly going through the goods, tools, and items of value, Komolov's momentary panic ceased as swiftly as it had arisen. Then, he noticed that the neglected black steed was watching him intently with large, dark brown eyes; those eyes were fixated upon the Vaegir, exhibiting what Komolov perceived as a timid wariness.


Examining the creature up and down, Komolov shook his head in disappointment. With starved bones clearly visible beneath it mangy hide and a certain wobbliness shaking its scarred and scabbed legs, the horse was all but completely pathetic. However, Komolov could still see a faint glimpse of liveliness in its eyes, a liveliness that endured even after the steed's poor mistreatment at the hands of thieves and criminals. Komolov considered it for a long moment before he gently patted the horse's broad neck, and the Vaegir could feel the muscles tense beneath his palm.


"It's alright." He said in a quiet, soothing voice to his horse, realizing that the sad animal was in fact his responsibility.


It was downright pitiful in the Vaegir's opinion that a once majestic creature was reduced to such a condition, and it pitied Komolov even more that the creature was his steed. Granted that he had only ever ridden a horse once in his life—which itself was even stretching the truth—the Vaegir still felt a certain awkwardness of having such a beast as his mount; this was the 'great' steed that others would see Komolov Yuliy ride into battle. Sighing, Komolov continued to stroke the horse's neck before glancing to the armored mammoth of the stables that was Aristide. The sheer mass that quivered with strength beneath the war horse's midnight black hide was daunting, and Komolov narrowed his eyes slightly before looking back at his own horse.


"You'll need a name, won't you?" The Vaegir mused quietly as he continued to comfort his timid steed.

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Bellatrix gobbled down her food as quickly as she could, almost as soon as the tavern wench set it before her. Then, chasing her meal with a gulp of pale ale, she jumped to her feet, threw a few denars on the table as payment, and grabbed up her belongings, "All right, let's get this over with. We're going to Amere...and hopefully we'll return before the war turns to the Nords' favor."


With that, she plopped her helm on her head, her messy bun sitting just below the fur rim, and slung her bow across her back before heading out of the tavern door and mounting her new horse. It was a wiry steed, lean and nimble, with a small head and large, alert eyes. Its fleabitten-patterned coat made it appear as though it had freckles all over its body, and its short-cropped mane and tail were coarse. Hopefully, this particular mount would last a bit longer than her previous one...




In a day's time, they reached the village of Amere. As the sun climbed up in the sky, just before noon, the company trotted through the dusty streets to observe the squalor that the residents had been reduced to. Old men, women, and children were the only ones left in the settlement, and they had miserable expressions writ upon their faces as they struggled to pick up the pieces of their lives. Their fields had been scorched to the bare dirt, their houses broken and burned, and their belongings smashed to bits on their own doorsteps. The smell of smoke filled the air, and the sounds of distant infants crying reached the companions' ears.


They had been raided recently, most certainly within the past two days.


"This...is bad," Bellatrix said as she pulled her steed to a halt and observed the scene before her. Glancing to Cair, she added, "I wasn't expecting it to be quite this messy."


A horse's distinctive snort sounded to their right, and suddenly, a familiar face hailed them.


Baron Mirchaud.


He smiled as he held up a hand in greeting, "Well, well. Fate has thrown us together again, I see. Well met to you and your company, once more." The baron pulled his destrier to a halt a few paces away, "Would that it were under better circumstances. I received news about the declaration of war...and it seems Jarl Haeda did, as well, according to the elder. Though, the Jarl must have led a very small band through here, as my scouts have not been able to track where he went after tearing apart my village." He glanced at the ruins of Amere and shook his helmed head, "Disgraceful. I will see him punished with my own hands before this war is over."


Bellatrix shifted in her seat, "Well...perhaps we have a bit of good news for you. We managed to bring some outlaws to justice in the woods northwest of here, and Cair here informs me that many of the goods they stole...many of which we also recovered...were property of your villagers." She gestured to the bags on Komolov's horse, "They belong to the people of Amere, so it is only right that we return them."


A look of surprise crossed the baron's face, before he grinned, "What luck. I am certain the elder will appreciate your aid." He whistled, and a man-at-arms appeared from behind a house. It seemed the baron's men were most certainly with him, but dispersed amongst the village almost so that they went entirely unnoticed. At the baron's instruction, the soldier took the bags of goods that were rightfully Amere's and delivered them to the elder, who was ecstatic to see their return. Bellatrix and Mirchaud looked on with smiles on both their faces, reflecting the joy of the village leader as tools, pottery, linen, hides, and even bundles of flax were given back to his people.


After a few moments, Mirchaud then focused his attention to Swadian knight at Bellatrix's side, turning his horse's head as if to move away from the party, "Sir Cameron...if you would, speak with me for a moment? Privately?"


Cameron nodded and separated himself from the others, keeping them just out of earshot. The baron led the knight and Aristide a ways away from the group before sharply turning his steed back around and sidling up beside the Haringoth, "So...no doubt Klargus is summoning you in addition to the rest of lords of Swadia, yes?"


"Indeed." Cameron confirmed. "Though that's all he's seen fit to inform either Bellatrix or myself for the time being."

Mirchaud nodded, "I see. I hope you realize that, though it may be your duty to answer the marshal's summons, it is also your duty to ignore those orders which are deemed unwise, for the sake of Swadia as a whole. And I am of the mind that Klargus's decision is very, very unwise."


"Oh?" Cameron's interest was piqued. "My assumption is that you've a superior plan in mind. I'm more than willing to hear it."

The baron grinned, "Very good. I think that Klargus's willingness to bring all of Swadia together in one spot to meet the enemy head-on is more than a little foolhardy. We all know the marshal's eagerness for battle, but I think his eagerness is outstripping his common sense. We both know that there will be no one to flank the Nords should the upcoming fight turn out in their favor, leaving us all in danger. My proposal," he paused, "is that instead, you and your comrades come with me and strike the Nordic forces from the side. And if we end up turning the battle in our favor because of it," he smiled wryly, "then we all will benefit."


Cameron nodded. "Flanking is a Cavalryman's most effective maneuver, meaning it works quite well with my own talents. But not all in our..." He cocked his head. "...collection of individuals are effective cavalry. They will have to be accommodated elsewhere within your own forces. It is a sound strategy, however. I plan to go along with it." He glanced back at his female compatriot. "Though I wouldn't presume to order our Lady of War. She will make her own decision...but I believe her intelligent enough to participate and adapt."


Meanwhile, as the baron conversed with Cameron, Bellatrix looked back to Cair, "Well. That went...rather smoothly."

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"So far yeah, Deal ain't over with though, me and me boys still need to get paid." Cair explained to Bella.

"I'm just hoping the Baron's not the stingy sort." He said with a sigh, thinking of how easier this would all have been without anyone's interference, They simply could have taken the ten percent that they were owed and have been done with it.


His own group had split up when they found the village after the raid, half went with him to find the bandits, and the greener members who had yet to experience battle had stayed behind to help with the villages repairs.


Bad experiences with other land-owners put Cair on edge, the rest of his men were certainly feeling the same way.

"Sooo if he don't pay.... What's the tha plan?" Rowan whispered to Cair so that Bell couldn't hear.


"Weeee'll worry about that later, let's just hope Mirchaud's not the argumentative type and umm... get everyone ready just in case." Cair whispered back, patting Rowan on the shoulder as he went off to collect the others, leaving Cair to bite at his thumbnail as he watched Mirchaud converse with his fellow Swadian.

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Komolov was quite at ease when his companions had exited Dhirim's tavern and began to mount their steeds; the Vaegir watched them intently as they did, hoping to learn enough from their motions to successfully mount his own horse himself. After asking a few inquires to the others about horseback riding, Komolov finally climbed up onto the saddle of his black gelding. Shockingly, the Vaegir did not fall off within moments of taking a seat atop his scrawny mount. However, he was just about as skittish as his steed while he carefully directed the horse's movements with the reins, following closely behind Cameron, Bellatrix, and the others. Once they were out on the open road, the peacefulness comforted Komolov as he diligently kept a firm grip on the reins, mumbling inaudibly under his breath.


For the rest of their journey to Amere, Komolov struggled to maintain control and balance whenever his horse panicked over seemingly anything and sometimes nothing, but the man's determination was clear when he was tossed off his gelding—on two separate occasions—before climbing back onto the saddle, as the saying ironically went. Also, some of his fellow companions often overheard him mumbling to himself from time to time, "Whirlwind... Rook... Bramble... Salamander... Pawn..."



By the time the company had arrived in Amere, Komolov's backside was chilled from splattered mud and his legs were sore. However, the Vaegir ignored his own discomfort when he surveyed the recently pillaged village. Sorrow portrayed from the scorched, shattered settlement both threatened to fracture Komolov's heart and ignite his thoughts in anger. Children who were without parents cried miserably, similarly to the elderly who stood alone in their doorways without anyone to console them. Stenches of soot, filth, and decay stung Komolov's eyes and nose, but he shook off the sensation absentmindedly. When the group was approached by Mirchaud and his footmen, the Vaegir tried to conceal his bitter expression. Of course, Komolov's steed whinnied and fidgeted fearfully when the soldiers approached even closer to acquire the returned goods from its saddle.


"It's alright... Bourbon. Bourbon." Komolov said to calm his horse once the footmen had taken the goods off his saddle and to the village elder; that was when Komolov discovered a suitable name for his steed.


Sadly, the Vaegir's brief sensation of pride for his newly named horse vanished when he watched Cameron trot off and away with Mirchaud to discuss things that were evidently unfit for the others' ears. His expression twisted into a scowl of contempt, Komolov carefully kept Bourbon in place as he glanced around their surroundings once more; seeing Cair whispering with one of his men also provoked the Vaegir to roll his eyes. Everyone and their hushed secrets, Komolov thought to himself silently, considering reaching into his satchel for the remainder of the one bottle of red ale he had brought from Dhirim.

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The baron gave Cameron a sly smile, "I am certain that she is." Spurring his horse back towards Bellatrix and Komolov, Mirchaud halted before them and glanced to Cair, "I am certain you will want payment for your deeds. Very well." He gestured to one of his men and produced two bags of gold, one of which he tossed at Cair, the other to Bella. The latter was more than a bit surprised to receive a second healthy reward in a matter of days, but the baron spoke again before she could voice her thoughts, giving her a knowing look, "You...might want to upgrade your equipment and that of your companions before you proceed further, my lady." His words were both advice and warning, "Cameron will tell you more."


With that, he turned his steed's head from them and proceeded further into the village, drawing his men towards him one by one and preparing to move out.


As the Swadian knight returned to her side, Bellatrix squinted at him curiously, "What was that all about?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Cair arched a brow after catching his own bag and saw that Bella had received a bag of coins as well. "Oh sure, pay the lass who if had her way, never woulda brought these things back here. I swear." He muttered under his breath before sitting down to count out the coins. All too prepared to take matters into his own hands should the payment be light, his knowledge of mathematics coming into play as he had made a note to write down the going rates of every item that they had returned. He and his crew were going to get their ten percent, one way or another.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"More politics, no doubt." Komolov sighed to Bellatrix after she addressed Cameron's return from his private discussion with Mirchaud; the Vaegir then readjusted himself upon Bourbon's saddle, and the horse followed his rider's motions with similar fidgets of its own. If it was not anxiety influencing his motions, it was most likely impatience or irritation.


Glancing among his companions, Komolov finally spoke up in earnest, "How far are we willing to take our newly forged allegiance with Swadia?" The Vaegir noted, briefly nodding his head towards the Swadian knight of their group before continuing, "Pardon me saying, but how far can we take it? We are mercenaries; soldiers of fortune, not war."


Reaching back into his satchel, Komolov retrieved his half-empty bottle of red ale and pulled away the cork before taking a quick drink. "I'm willing to bet my denar that Swadia can get along just fine in its war without our intervention, and I am more than confident that a war with Nords won't be the only source of opportunity in Calradia."


Turning his head to Emina, Cair, and his fellows, the Vaegir said further, "I'm willing to bet we'd be risking less for just as much opportunity in the north; a group like ourselves could easily profit from culling through the camps of bandits and raiders freckling Vaegir territory."


Beneath his subtle zealotry, all Komolov truly hoped for was reassurance that he wasn't the only one who didn't fancy fighting the Swadians' war for them. "Who are we to fight a foreigner's war on foreign soil?"


"I will not betray my own country, I'm afraid." Cameron's tone was cold. "Not under pain of even one of your arrows at my back." His usual swagger once again gone as he became dangerously serious, he turned to the Vaegir. "If your desire is to graciously bow out and allow countries to fight their own battle, then leave. As it stands-" And he looked at Bellatrix. "-our current course of action will take us to Baron Mirchaud's side during the strife as the flanking charge."
The Vaegir's last sentence, however, attracted the knight's attention once more. "And what are the nature of these concerns, Komolov? Ethical? Has the simple fact of their declaring war over a senseless land dispute- a minor provocation to all but the most headstrong - gone over your head? Has the fact that the Nords were foolhardy enough to declare war first?" He shook his head.
"Or does your heart bleed so that you would drown us all in your own blood?" Cameron refrained from addressing the possibility of it being a simple instinct of self-preservation...for the moment. As tempted as he was to address it immediately, it was only courtesy to give the Vaegir a chance to speak for himself.
Listening intently to Cameron as he stood his ground, Komolov leaned forward and took a shallow drink from his bottle before responding, "If the provocation of this war is so petty, then I am even less motivated to fight for it. I have no pity towards the instigators of this war, either." The Vaegir paused a brief moment to take another drink of ale. "I'll hunt thieves and highwaymen who deserve no quarter, but I'll not fall into rank among soldiers when I myself am not one, much less one of Swadia."
A sigh escaping him once his bottle of therapeutic alcohol ran dry, Komolov tossed it back into his satchel before looking from Cameron to Bellatrix and the rest of their party. "I'm not fond of risking my life whilst serving Swadia in a conflict it can undoubtedly handle by itself, simple as that. Surely someone else among us aught to understand that."
"Ah." The Swadian nodded, sounding surprisingly amiable suddenly. "I understand that. But this is what shall ensue. If you are not willing to partake...then leave. But while it is simply a duty to me, for you it is an opportunity to both secure future work, prove your competence several times over, and profiteer...if you can find a way to do so legally or without exposure."
For the first time since they had left Dhirim, Komolov's curiosity was sparked. He remained silent for a moment as a contemplating expression crossed his face before the Vaegir said finally, "If there are such possibilities for gain to offset the inherent danger... But what plan is there, truly? I'd reconsider my reluctance if my purpose in all this isn't meeting a horde of Nords headfirst." The promise of denar had hooked his curiosity more than the Vaegir's paranoia could outweigh.


"You're an archer." Cameron stated simply. "You will be in the rear, providing support. You are not immune to counterattack, but having the foresight to keep yourself inconspicuous means it will be another who falls in your stead if a countermeasure succeeds." He raised both eyebrows drily. "Like, say, standing in the back ranks. Staying away from the center."
Considering the tactical reassurance, Komolov finally nodded stiffly before concluding, "If there's enough denar to be had and a secure strategy in place for archers like myself, then I'll not take my leave just yet." Reclining in his saddle, the Vaegir rubbed his eyes briefly, already missing his ale.
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Bellatrix sighed, "So, Mirchaud wants us to help him flank the Nords. Now I know why he told me to get better equipment, for all of us," she curled her lip at the gear she currently had on, "certainly not Swadian soldier material, this. But..." she trailed, thinking about what Komolov had said before adding, "I don't think Mirchaud would have proposed this idea if he didn't think we could handle it. It's not just our lives at stake in this war, but those of his own men and even himself. I'd say we stand a good chance here, so long as we heed his proposal and upgrade a few things."


She shifted in her seat, "And if we succeed, we all gain the attention of Harlaus...hopefully in a positive way."


After a few moments, she nodded to Cameron, "I'm game. As I said before...this is a damn sight better than the work I usually get." She hefted the purse in her hands and wondered if there was more where that came from.


At that moment, Mirchaud himself rode by with his men behind him; as they filed onwards, he paused a moment by the party, "I've business to attend to in Ushkuru and Yalibe. If you are agreeable to our plan, meet me at Derchios Castle in three days' time." With that, the baron spurred his horse and rode away, leading his men out of the village and westward beyond the forest.

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