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Xcom beta 15d Bugs


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Hi. Love the mod btw and it's the reason I ponied up for a legit copy of vanilla Xcom EW. Vanilla is well, so, vanilla. The beta mod takes it so far beyond vanilla. At any rate have found the following bugs in Beta 15d:


1. Ballistic Battle Rifle does not display an adjustment to aim on soldier's stats
2. Use of Lock and load perk at beginning of turn to reload a sniper rifle (without snapshot perk) institutes unable to fire penalty as if
sniper had moved (found this in Beta 15c, so it may be fixed now haven't yet tested it).
3. Meld costs claimed to be double of beta 14 however cost to augment a soldier for use in a MEC is quadruple the cost of beta 14 (I went into the DefaultGameData.ini and was able to adjust this from 80 meld down to 40 which is truly double the meld cost from beta 14)
4. Ufo crash map on top of skyscraper (medium ufo) - urban area with lots of debris. Had 2 thin men and 1 outsider (seemingly) jump to their
deaths. They jump down and not sure if the area they jumped to was empty space, but all 3 died after jumping down.


I hope this is the place to post bugs, if not please clue me in as to where i should post these.


Excellent mod and I'm loving playing it.

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Long War bug reports should be posted in the appropriate Beta Feedback thread in the "XCOM File Discussions" section of the forum for a quick response. (The LW Team has stated they check here much less often than there.) You may also find that the answer is already known and posted in that thread.

Be sure to read the document included with the LW download on reporting bugs. They need all the information requested there to be able to help.

The first recommended fix is always to upgrade to the latest version. Be sure to check the release notes for the effect upon a saved game.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey tried looking for the "XCOM File Discussions" but it said it couldnt be found? Figured I'd drop a quick post here, maybe some one can point me in the right direction? Just been having a bug With Van Doorn, for some reason, on some turn on the mission "Portent" I think it is call, he lost the Beret I gave him. Since then no matter what Hair/Helmet option I choose he is always the default Bald. The numbers cycle but there is no graphical change. All other customisation options work fine for him. Any ideas? Thanks.

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@Seed 82:


"XCOM File Discussions" forum section is no more. Apparently the Nexus staff moved all the threads directly related to a specific mod into the "Forums" section on that mod's Nexus download page as part of their forum restructuring. So the LW Beta Feedback threads are found "here".


(Threw me for a loop, too.)



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