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COBL Races Balanced Bashed patch error on load of save.


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This is the first time I've done the bashed patch and it automatically disables CRB and other COBL components. I read the readme which is pretty specific on the dozen sections that should be checked during patch creation, particularly Race Records for CRB. That said, as soon as I load a save-game that was prior to the bashed patch, it says that CRB has been disabled and will revert to vanilla races. COBL Races - Balanced.esp has the Green box with a plus sign so it looks like it's merged. I'm not sure if the Bashed patch includes scripts, but it's a COBL script that is generating the error and changes. At this point I enabled CRB with a checkmark as this resolves the error and doesn't seem to affect gameplay. I'm just curious if the vanilla race error is bogus, as the race records have been imported, and should be ignored.


It makes the Bashed patch process daunting, as I am now concerned that anything merged or "virtually active" may not actually be active at all. It doesn't really make me want to continue using Bashed patches.

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COBL races is not mergable. Your supposed to merge COBL tweaks, and COBL filter. When you build your patch, you "can" import the races, but the races .esp must remain active. When your building your patch, there should be a panel on the right. If there is nothing in the panel, you can safely skip that option as there is nothing to import. Also, if COBL races is the only mod you have that edits races, you won't need to, if you have more than one then you will to make sure you get everything. Edited by dallen68
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