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Improved merchant system?


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So one of the gripes I have with NV is that the merchants all accept anything you throw at them. I.E an unarmed water merchant will happily by ammo and guns off of you. Selling things relevant to their trade is a step in the right direction, but I wished they made them only accept or by items at a reduced sale outside their trade. I mean what would a bartender do with frag mines? (This could be lampshaded with a high barter skill)


So If this does not exist, I would like to see a mod (this also be a good suggestion for fallout 4) is an improved trading system where merchants not only sell, but buy items relevant to their needs and trades. They will not accept items outside those trades (or buy them at a low price). A high barter skill can allow you to offload non relevant gear, or minimize the penalty of the item sell price. To offset the penalties, said merchant will be willing to by items they need at a higher than normal price. As in a bartender would say accept alcoholic items at a 5-30% increased price (based on a players barter skill). And be not so eager to loot that frag mine from you.


So each merchant will have different specialties.


-Chets, Dino De-lite gift shop, and mick & ralphs would be general stores and not have any bonuses/penalties to item prices as they need a little bit of everything.


-You could sell medical supplies and aid items (or the items needed to craft them such) to doctors at an inflated price.


-The Brotherhood would be willing to part with a few extra caps to get their hands on energy weapons.


-The gun runners would not accept brahmin steaks or nuka colas.


Etc... you get the point.


Also to prevent infinicaps and so on if you get the right bonuses a merchant will only pay for an item at ~90% of the price they'd sell it for so they can realistically make a profit and prevent aforementioned abuse if you got your bonusus to where you'd sell an item at a price higher than they'd sell it at and you'd buy it back and repeat.


I'd think think this would make buying/selling items in the fallout universe more realistic and immersive and well as varied.

Edited by WhiteWeaselMLAS
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Ohhh, and another idea that can expand upon this is that merchants will also have their own bonus to buy something. Such as a merchant in a town that say lost their bighorners to nightstalkers and is on a food shortage will buy food at a 20% (just an example percentage) higher than normal price. Because of this system where an item is not the same price with every merchant a, dynamic trading can take place where player could buy food in a place where it is plentiful and sold a normal price, then take it to and sell it to the starving town to make a bit of profit.

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i think most of us would love to see barter and trading overhauled like this, but I dont really know if a lot of it is possible.


I dont know of any ways to change different types items to be accepted by some merchants and not others

I also believe the only way to give boosts to certain item types (ei your food to a starving town idea or energy weapons to the BoS) would be to sell them outside of a barter screen. (like a dialogue option that says "take x amount of bighorn meats!" and giving a cap reward for those items.


But who knows, scripters are able to do some pretty remarkable things I never thought were possible... So fingers crossed i suppose.

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