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Need Help: Finding Thieves Guild


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Hi, I have encountered a problem in my game, which I can only guess has been affected by a mod or myself, would have no idea which one - i am just after some ideas if anyone has any that would be great.


I cant get the thieves guild quest to activate. The "Grey fox" option appears in numerous dialogs, however when I max disposition with the beggars of IC, they never let on - the dialog stays as if they dont trust me.


I tried talking to city swimmer in bravil, who talks about the quest, but the quest does not appear in the journal.


When talking to Armand in his home, even with max disposition, he says he does not trust me.


I tried adding player.setstage to force the quest in, and it does appear. However, when I wait in the garden at night, Amusei and Methredel linger near, Armand stays in his house and then Methredel walks away (at about 1:30am). Armand just wont come, dont know why.


I tried waiting, sleeping, travelling, trying the next night. Nothing seems to work.


At the moment I am going through and disabling my mods to see if it helps, I might try shutting of as many of them as I can without a crash and see if that helps.


Would having a look in the CS be any use? (I have used it in the waterfront district before, maybe I broke something? if so, what?)


Anyone have any ideas?

Edited by SniperVillan
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maybe you have a mod that delays this quest, or several quests??


try opening the mod page of each mod you have, and read the description again

if non of the mods are delaying the quest, then it's probably a conflict, like several mods that change the NPCs or something (though i can't really think of a reason why the quest would not work)

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maybe you have a mod that delays this quest, or several quests??


try opening the mod page of each mod you have, and read the description again

if non of the mods are delaying the quest, then it's probably a conflict, like several mods that change the NPCs or something (though i can't really think of a reason why the quest would not work)


ok I just did that, theres nothing obvious that would affect things. I am gonna try deactivating a lot of stuff and just see if I can get the quest to begin, then I will turn them back on. Have no problems with any other quests, all going nicely.


I just went through the CS and took a look, waterfront district - armands marker is there where it should be and his script is intact and unchanged.

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good to know that you managed to fix it :)


and now, enjoy the game :thumbsup:


As always :) . I have been using mods in this game for many years, every year at xmas It gets a reinstall and re-mod and I enjoy it all over again.


This year I have been building some new objects and using the construction set to get them into my game, really easy. Ive started looking at how the scripts work and I can see lots of 'if then else', which is surprisingly easy. I hope skyrim has a strong focus on mods, I would love to see an engine that can handle more fluid/dynamic animations and physics.

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