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Ok, so this http://social.bioware.com/project/2611/ wont work for sten? :wallbash:

All depends on how the modder coded the item in the Toolset. Restrictions based on race, gender, class, (even specific character name) are all controlled through an item's settings.


You asked if "Human Male armour" would work for Sten. If that's what the modder says about the armour, then I would presume a) that they know what they're doing, b) it's true, and c) doesn't hurt anything to try it and see what happens! :laugh:


The reason modders announce this kind of restriction for armour/robes/clothing, (in addition to simple personal preference or lore reasons) is because of the way the Eclipse game engine uses them. Items are not "worn" in DA, they replace that part of the body model. To make the same item "fit" all FOUR races requires making four seperate versions of it. And I'm not sure, but there may be clipping issues if the modder doesn't make different versions for each gender of each race as well. One race, one gender, equals one model. Any more, and the amount of work multiplies in a hurry!

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