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Skyrim Dyes.


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Hey all,


I was thinking it would be a cool idea to add a system of ddyes into the game. I dont know if this is even possible, but it would be a cool addition.


For example, in ESO there is a dye system where you can dye your armor and clothing different colors. This is just a thought, and im curious as to weather or not this is possible.

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I've been thinking much the same thing myself! I'm a total modding n00b, so I'm learning how to use the CK and reading scripting tutorials as I go - so I hope I'm not reinventing the wheel here..


Even after reading as much as I can about it, and it seems that a few people have tried their hand at it, and either not continued or given up the idea. As far as I can tell, no one has yet made a dyeing system where you can dye generic clothing and armor.


Many people have done color variations on specifc armor/robe types.


I'm subscribed to Buckles really nice 'Tailoring' mod from Steam - which allows you to craft vanilla clothing from cloth, linen wraps and tundra cotton. Unfortunately - from my POV anyway - the mod doesn't allow for the newly created item to be custom-dyed, you only have the option of dyeing the 'vanilla' color in order to make it.


And, as notmyhome points out, the Dye Manager by expired would seem to be the ideal mod for this - but as far as I can tell, doesn't actually work on anything other than Steel Plate armor.


So, yeah, I'd be interested in this too. Either to collaborate with the author of an existing mod, or to figure out how to do it myself.


Personally, I'm initially interested in being able to change the color of vanilla clothing like Miner's Clothes, or Barkeeps - and if I can figure out a way to do it then expand out to include vanilla armor and onwards.


Most of the interest in a dyeing mod seems to have petered out a few years ago, so it good to see a new post about it. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see if any new developments occur, and I'll try and post any relevant info I find out about it.

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