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why this clothes are so heave?


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Have you realize that those clothes weight 15Wg even when they are just clothes? Is this an issue? I really do not understand why this clothes have the same weight than a leather armor! what are they made? And worst, they do not even offer any kind of protection or bonus to worth wear them.
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Some of the outfit's weight are well out of whack vs the protection they provide. Often times it looks like the developer just assigned any number they please. NCR trooper fatigues, for example, has a weight of 26 and a DT of 2!! What are they made of, then? What accounted for all those weight, when a more standard trooper armors have the same weight and provide a DT of 10? Yet the NCR fatigues is considered light armor while the other NCR armors are considered medium. Further out of whack but in the other direction is a space suit, with a weight of 7 and DT of 10.


I would love to hear their reasonings for some of these stats. Of course they would just say "Because that's how we made it, if you like then fine, if not, get mods or play something else!" At least that seem to be the favorite line of software developers in general.

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I do agree that outfits DT and WT need a good re-balance, however I do not see this as an issue. When playing I almost always pick up the weapons and always leave the armor. This is because weapons have a better WT to VAL ratio over armor. The other reason is that at least half of the armor I do get I use for a specific purpose, after it has outlived its purpose then I ether sell or toss it. Finally, If you have a companion they can just hold the outfits you don't want so you can sell them later or use on themselves.
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