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Seeking experienced modder or 2 for summer mod


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So this summer I am looking to create a large mod, I have some experience with heck but only like a liberal smattering of everything, I can nav mesh very well though, and know most basics this mod would create a new world space be be long and complicated we would need to be in contact and skype voice chat for me to explain idea of mod let me know interest
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You need to present people with more information if you want experienced modders to take your help request seriously. I know it was a typo but c'mon, you can edit your post to correct 'heck' with G.E.C.K. and present more ideas of your mod. You don't have to give away all of the secrets of your idea, but what are your skills? A jack of all trades is too generic; at least list what you can do or what you can't, I looked at your mod profile but it doesn't mean everyone will do the same.


What kind of work you need done will also matter too, so okay it's a worldspace, but do you need custom building meshes and textures? Are you looking for scripters and quest makers? These are all important things to consider, plus much more.


These are just some tips to better recruit help for "large" projects, because large projects generally get conceived, but unfortunately seldomly seen finished. Experienced modders like information to make a judgement on wheter or not they are interested in contacting you about helping.

Edited by SKYZOO
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