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Help with dialog please.


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I am pretty new at modding, but I have been reading tutorials and things were working good.

I made an NPC, created some dialog, and created a short "go get this and bring it back" quest. I wanted to make that quest continue by the NPC sending you to a merchant and buy a list of items and bring them back. I created the second NPC, a chest filled with the items I wanted the player to go buy, and then connected the NPC to the chest. I wanted to make it so that the merchant NPC won't talk until the first NPC sends you. As I started on the dialog for the merchant, I went to do a test run and the merchant only had generic greetings and then went to only having the rumors option. I erased all of the merchants dialog and tried to restart simpler.

After you bring back the items to the first NPC, I have him give the player a book.

The books ID is "001Book."

I have the merchants ID as "a1."

In the quest, the greeting conditions are set as

(GetIsID a1 == 1.00)AND OnTarget(GetIsID 001Book == 0.00)

for one and the other one is

(GetIsID a1 == 1.00)AND OnTarget(GetIsID 001Book == 1.00)

I don't understand why the merchant NPC won't even allow me to give a simple greeting. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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It would be more like:


In the quest, the greeting conditions are set as

(GetIsID a1 == 1.00)AND OnTarget(GetItemCount 001Book == 0.00)

for one and the other one is

(GetIsID a1 == 1.00)AND OnTarget(GetItemCount 001Book == 1.00)

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