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Fallout 3 Save Keybind


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  • 7 months later...



The quicksave system is broken as all get out. If you experience a cell change or script change anywhere in the middle of the process, which runs in background, it can lead to a corrupted save. Quicksaving is like trying to take a photocopy of a moving object. Go ahead, find a copier and move your hand back and forth while copying and you'll see what I mean.


What the gentleman is asking about is if there is a REPLACEMENT for this buggy system.


And there is.



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Yeah I heard about that. Truth is I haven't personally seen any evidence for quicksaving causing corrupt saves. Loading a game while another save is already running; yes I agree. Because the scripts don't reset properly and references cause them to hang. Yet I've never noticed any problems with quick saving and that's for well over 300 hours of gameplay.
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