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Whatever you do, don't enlist just to prove something to other people. Do it because it is what you really want to do. It is a commitment that you must enter into whole heatedly and it is not easy to get out of once you have made that commitment.


Before you make the decision to enlist, talk to a recruiter to see what your options are. But be warned, a recruiter will promise anything to get you to enlist - they have a quota and get a bonus for exceeding it. So whatever they promise, try to get it in writing before you sign up.


Whatever you decide, it should be your choice. And I wish you luck in whatever you decide. :thumbsup:

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I joined the Navy back in 1982 to get away from an emotionally and borderline physically abusive bipolar mother who wouldn't take meds. Was this the best course of action? Yes and no...yes because I got out and stayed out. No, because I wasn't mentally or emotionally prepared for it.


You seem to have your act together, despite initial posturing, your dedication and desire to serve are sincere. I wish you the best of luck, and thank you for defending your country.

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