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The Ol' Painless Huntng Rifle


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Hello again,


Alright, so RyDragon has seen attempts at this request while reading requests in the comments for this request but so far this hasn't been filled you. This is a simple request asking somebody out there to make a unique version of the Ol' Painless hunting rifle that is BOTH silenced and scoped AND uses the cleaned up hunting rifle mod (the one removing the rust and wires holding the gun together, giving replacing the barrel with a chrome one). Now this can either be a replacer for the Ol' Painless, one of RyDragon's personal favorite guns (he likes a bolt action semi automatic the best), or if you want to go a little further you can make a whole new gun using new textures meshes and an esp. That may take a little more room but the players who enjoy this game should have something of a good PC already (not just whatever is sitting in their mother's living room). Now one ting spotted is that when the weapon was modified its damage would drop. If you, the creator, are going to pursue this please allow for a non crit dmg of at least 50. If it is to be a hunting rifle then the idea is to take down prey silently and with a single shot on a sneak attack. If you are going to pursue this request keep in mind that as always the creator receives 99% of the creds for creation minus whatever is requested with the use of any elements from other mods used and only a single (1) percent going to RyDragon for formally requesting officially the production of this mod.


Just imagine the model shown below with a silencer and a scope on it, mind you, the thin silver kind of scope. :)





Edited by TimEric
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