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The elder council questions


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I've got a couple questions about this mod.

1. if im under suspicion how do i join the legion?

2. does this mod seriously conflict with servant of the dawn?

3. and lastly (for now) the upper council chamber door is locked even though my rank is count why can't i go up there?


thank you for your help!

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Ok, I'm going to assume your talking about TEC.


1. Pay your fine, either through the guard or the thieves guild. Talk to the officer.

2. You never know with Giskard, but I'm not familiar enough with Servant of the Dawn to answer in any definitive matter. Does Servant of the Dawn edit the imperial palace in anyway?

3.The upper council chamber door is locked for a reason. The only time you need to go there is for one thieves' guild mission. If you go there any other time, you'll be considered "tresspassing" every time you visit the palace. It's one of the glitches Giskard and co couldn't work out; so they just made it impassable instead. (Well, I guess you could unlock it with the control panel, but..)

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Ok, I'm going to assume your talking about TEC.


1. Pay your fine, either through the guard or the thieves guild. Talk to the officer.

2. You never know with Giskard, but I'm not familiar enough with Servant of the Dawn to answer in any definitive matter. Does Servant of the Dawn edit the imperial palace in anyway?

3.The upper council chamber door is locked for a reason. The only time you need to go there is for one thieves' guild mission. If you go there any other time, you'll be considered "tresspassing" every time you visit the palace. It's one of the glitches Giskard and co couldn't work out; so they just made it impassable instead. (Well, I guess you could unlock it with the control panel, but..)


the door i meant was the one to the teleporters and when i tcl'ed up to them i went and talked with the ofiicer with no bounty but i had an over 200 infamy which is what i had after finishing servant of the dawn is that what the problem could be?

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Yes. You can't join the legion if your infamy is over 17. There are a number of ways to deal with this,

1. You could visit all the wayshrines, and clear your infamy.

2. If you have the version of TEC that includes "Temple of the One", you can pray there 17 days in a row.

3. If you have CUO Leyawiin, you can visit Talos's statue in the Imperial Fortress just south of the city.

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