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corpse spells and uses, more then reanimation


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In several games there's alot you can do with corpses besides reanimate them like in skyrim, in two worlds there's a spell called corpse conversion which destroys a corpse and heals you for x amount, in diablo there were spells that caused corpses to explode violently or release toxic gas in the area




does anyone know any mods that add effects like these to corpses? if not could someone make one?



here's a list of possible spells and their uses





corpse feast: heals you for a certain amount by draining enrgy from corpses, maybe it could resotre stamaina or have a different spell


corpse burst: causes a corpse or corpses to explode doing damage to enemies nearby, may knock enemies down


rotten burst: corpses explode in a poisonous cloud


cycle of life: turns corpses into alchemy items or plants




anyone willing to try this out?




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