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A Part of Textures wont show up in NewVegas


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Hi, i modelled a parcel because I need it as a container. But when I start the game the

Textures of the Loop doesnt show up.


Here are my Files:




It looks like this in NIFSkope:




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This is how it looks in Blender:




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These are the Settings I used to export(I also tried "Shadow Maps" On and Off):




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I hope anybody can help me.


Greetz Cracksoldier

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There is something wrong with the blend file you uploaded cause when i open it it gives me 250 blend error. I gues its thinking its a blender 2.5 version blend file or something.


Some of the problems with your model may be related to this error.


The normal drawing size is set at 0.001 or something and its normaly set at 0.1

your ribbon part of the mesh has too many polys, the uv map was messed up, and u had a group of floating vertices.


You hit the new material button 7 times and set the diffuse map for the 7th time and forgot the normal map.

Its why when you export it you get a bunch of tristrip blocks with geometry data but no normals or uv maps and just one of em with a texture.


I think that you didnt actually model the box but just modelled the ribbon on it. explains why the 7th material has no uv map for the ribbon and the style of modelings different.

Anyway thats the root cause for the texture not showing up on the ribbon.


You also need a collision mesh if you want to be able to drop it on the ground.

Here is a link.





It was fun troubleshooting your files and i learned some stuff also.

So ok instead of just giving you the files back all fixed im gonna try and explain what i did to it for you to do yourself.

Got the thingy in the blender and removed all the material datablocs on it.

select one vertice of the box part, hit select linked vertices and then hit p to separate it.


Looked at the remaining mesh for the ribbon part to remove the floating vertices.

Tryed to check the normals. on the mesh tools panel i found i can set the normal display size so set that to 0.1 and view normals.

renamed the box to box and ribbon to ribbon.


Make a new material datablock with 2 textures on it. change imput to uv on both, top one is map to color and bottom one is map to normal.

set em as image type. then i open your psd file and desaturated the image and maked a normalmap with a normalmap plugin. ndo is the super one to use for that. if u layer the normals or something than remember to normalize em.

added alpha channel and made it some random gray gradient then i went and rendered clouds on it. :teehee:


selected the rgb channel and normalized it cause i randomly stuck on some blurred normalmap overlays and stuff. then saved as dds. its dxt5 u wanta use on fallout 3.

Didnt know if u are using dxt5 on your diffuse map so i opened the psd up again and saved the dds again, could have just checked the file size tho.


back onto blender i loaded the textures for the color and normalmap onto the datablock. I select the ribbon and edit mode select all and loaded the diffuse map into the uv image editor.

it was all mesed up so i just unwrapped it again and stuck the uv parts onto the ribbon part.


checked the uv map for the box part also and i scaled up the square parts for just the top and bottom cause they were real small.


Then i add mesh cube and make it roughly the size of the gift box.

Last time i made a collision mesh i used nifskope to pack the tristrips and pasted it onto the nif with existing havok bloc but this time its newere nifscrips and i wanta do it the gooder way!

So folowing that tutorial up on the niftools site i linked for u.. set drawtipe on it to bounds and wire with polyhedron selected. went to logic tab and select bounds and choosed the convex hull prototype.

added the property, changed datatype to string and type Havok Material and used HAV_MAT_CLOTH collision type listed in the xml


I decided to change the geometry of the box tho so it followed the shape of the ribons more. just cause i was curious how it would be like that way.


Then i goed to export the everything!. Its a different setting than you had in your screeny. ok so from the left column...

turned off export skin partition.

Collision options:

Material to cloth, switched solid to hollow

Between those are some settings i didnt know how to set but next time i will mess with em and get it right from the start.


Right column:

Shader options of default, shadow frustum, empty, and unknown 31

Turn on use bsfadenode root. turn off export dismember body parts.


That exports the basic nif.


Oks o in nifskope i figured i had to tweak it some. But i need to see what its like to begin with.

Moved the files into my data directory in meshes and textures respectively and fixed the texture paths.

Looked at it in geck and it looks like its supposed to.


open geck and make new clutter object "TestGiftBox" and set it to the nif.

Maked a quest for the giftbox and set to start game enabled thingy.

Made a script of quest type:

scn testgiftboxscript

short doonce

begin gamemode

if doonce == 0

player.additem TestGiftBox 10

set doonce to 1




Go and set that for the script for the quest and save plugin and activate it.


Than i got into the game and throw the gift boxes i got out of my inventory. They are just floating there lmao.

so what i ended up changing in nifskope is.

Change name of bsfadenode root to Gift Box

Change bsxflags from 2 to 66

add nistringextradata to bsfadenode (right click > extradata etc.)

name it UPB and edit string data "Unyielding = 0" plus some hidden character, maybe its a carriage return? look another nif file and u can copy from that one if u want.

bhkrigidbody of the bhkcollisionobject:

change layer and layer copy to OL_CLUTTER

Changed Motion system to MO_SYS_BOX

turned solver deactivation to SOLVER_DEACTIVATION_LOW

Quality type to MO_QUAL_DEBRIS


I didnt mess any of the physics settings like friction and velocitys tho.


I think thats all i did. saved the nif.

In the game it looks like this.


Have fun making cool stuff!

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Tryed to check the normals. on the mesh tools panel i found i can set the normal display size so set that to 0.1 and view normals.


Sorry I cant find that option in the mesh tools panel. Normally I use 2.56 beta.

Can you give me a screenshot where I can which option you change.


Edit:// I got my first success




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Now I only have to add the collision mesh.


There is only one Problem left. Look at the Screenshot:




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Greetz Cracksoldier

Edited by cracksoldier
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I just think u need bigger normal drawing size so u can see what way they are pointing.

Sorry, it was on mesh tools more not mesh tools.

And I didnt realise u are wanting this item as a static object!

My current projects is not needing static object at this time so i am of less help with how it behaves in geck.

This button on export options will set the basic settings for colision for u!

Silly I never tried using these preset buttons before.

It may be still useful to extract vanilla nif file and compare em with your nif to make sure it is all in order.

I dont know what the bounding box thingy u have showing in geck is and how to change its size.

Anyway, make the colision on it first cause that might affect it.

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Yes u need to make the colision object.


U can make it just a simple box that surrounds it or u can make it a convex shape that tapers a bit on the top so objects landing on top dont just sit there.


It is a simple mesh with less poly is better.


Separate object u can call it collision or something.


Its this link u need to look at there even is screenys to show what to do.



Anyway, I retype the collision instructions more explicitly.


U just change a few settings for this particular object, as it is not a visible object.

On buttons window: object tab (f7) draw panel.

Box if box or polyhedron if u make it convex hull prototype(yea funny name, thats just what its called in the list).


And set the object so it has collision properties.

U go on the logic tab in buttons window (f4, its the one that looks like pacman :turned: )

On the left there is button to click that says "bounds"

Then choose from the collision bounds options, like box or convex hull.

Under that there is a button to click called add property.

Here u specify physical material property for the havok engine. Theres other kinds of physics engines and properties so thats why u need to do this one.

change datatype from float to string and type in a name for it "HavokMaterial" without the quotes u know.

Then there is the data field right next to it and type what kind of material it is.

I dont think there is a cardboard so maybe HAV_MAT_CLOTH is a good one to choose.

The havok materials are listed in Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\formats\nif\nifxml\nif.xml if u want to look at them.


Then u will have the collision mesh ready for export along with your gift box mesh.

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