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Mods won't show in Data Files


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I'm rather new to modding but I think I've done everything right:

Downloaded files

extracted to my desctop

moved the files to my programs/bethesta/oblivion/data folder


Seems correct? The mod will not show when I launch the game and click data files.

I downloaded the archeology guild mod a while ago and I remember having problems with that one aswell, can't remember how I fixed it though, any ideas?

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There is a misspelling in your file path:


programs/bethesta/oblivion/data folder


Oblivion was designed for Windows XP, not Windows Vista or Windows 7. To play and make mods with those operating systems, which all the new computers seem to have, people move Oblivion out of the default directory to escape from the misguilded security system which stops you from doing anything. So If you have one of these operating systems, you should install Oblivion to some location such as C:\Games\Oblivion.


You will put your mods in this location for the above example: C:\Games\Oblivion\Data\MySuperDuperFunMod.esp


If you have installed your game and mods this way, some readme files will still tell you to install your mods to the wrong place, saying to put them in:


Program Files/Bethesda/oblivion/data


In that case, ignore that part of the readme.

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