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Problem with Texture ingame but not in Nifskope


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Hi i tried importing a headgear piece from oblivion into fallout 3 using the oblivion to fallout 3 converter but even though i seted the right texture path in nifskope, while it shows it nifskope without problems it doesn't show ingame only something brownish...


i tried some experiments but its seems that no mater what texture i apply it keeps showing up brownish...

Edited by strike105x
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I never used that thing before, but u know. just open another nif from fallout and compare the shader settings andother stuff.


U want to reexport both of the diffuse and normalmap texture files into the dxt5 compression also.


for a helmep thingy u wanta have it on shader default with zbuffer test shadow map empty and unknown 31.


maybe change the tspace flag? It might be good at 16 or 240.


Whats that thing do anyway? it use oblivion skeleton to deform mesh so it fits better onto fo3 skeleton?

do u get the dismemberment vertex grups and stuf?


Well anyway whenever i have nif problem i can get something out of the bsa to compare it to and that always works!

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Tried converting to DXt5 but it didn't help... its just a blender document with a body and instructions on how to do the conversion not a program or something.


Also does other settings you mentioned i think they as they should be:




Can't Change Tspace its grey out...





Thank you, experimenting some more i think it has something to do with the export settings in blender, problem is if i export using the default settings the model doesn't show ingame, if i use those in the screenshot the mesh is brownish rather then seeing the textures...





EDIT: must've messed up a setting in export twice or more it works now probably i'm to tired... Sorry and thanks for the help

Edited by strike105x
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Ok well loking at your export settings u want to turn off 3 buttons on there.


turn off skin and cloth shader types

turn off shadow frustum shader flag.



Yes the default settings does not change some settings or turns off shadow map.

If shadow map shader flag is off for armor parts it wont work.


AAh i see about what the converter is now. It is helping u get the dismemberment vertex groups and stuff.



Oh wait sorry. i didnt notice some things about it..


You should get newer nifscripts and pyffi first.

I got 2.5.5 scripts and 2.1.5 pyffi

I dont know the difference tho maybe the newer one ads mostly improved animation exporting support.

Since u are using the different theme. I think its blender rounded or something.

Soory i mistaked the buttons.


Just turn off shadow frustum shader flag and you will be ok.


Haha u know i never tried pushing the buttons along the top before. it automatically set the export options, how convenient. even the colision ones work good.


If you click the cloth button at the most upper right part and it sets it for you the way i was describing.


Oh im tired also. theres more questions i have.


i got nifskope 1.0.22

Why is the tspaceflag part on your tristripsdata greyed out?

Look further up i think theres another tspaceflag in the list and that one you can change.


And u mentioned that it worked. u mean u got the textures working?

I was going to suggest that you look at the material datablocks before exporting to make sure those are set up right.


Sorry for disorganizement of my post.

Edited by baduk
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