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Scripting Question?


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Hey Im working on a activator that takes an object from the player when a button is pressed and then after a sort time unhides a couple of new objects which I can do. What I want to do next is make it so the player can only use the activator twice at one time ie they use it twice then have to wait a while until being able to use it again. Can someone please tell me how this is done? any help would be great thanks.
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thanks for the reply but thats not what Im after. Its not the time limit I cant figure out its making it so the player can only press two buttons from the activator message (not including the exit button) then is unable to access the activator again until the timer finishes.
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im setting up a box that spawns fruit after the player puts in an object, after the player has put 2 objects into the box they cant put anymore in until the timer has finished. the message has 7 buttons one for each item the player can spawn plus the exit but the idea is the player can only chose to spawn 2 at a time.
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This should work: Create an integer value, set it to zero. Whenever the function to do your thing is called, check the value of the integer. If it's less than 2, let the function do its thing, and then add 1 to that value. If it equals 2, stop and start the timer. Like in this fake code here, which should hopefully illustrate my point.


int iStuffInBox


set iStuffInBox to 0


On Activatorthingy

if iStuffinBox < 2


iStuffInBox + 1


elseif iStuffInBox >= 2

PrintMessage "CAN'T DO THAT, BUB."

CreateTimer "Timersyntaxstuff"




Get what I mean?

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thanks for the reply but thats not what Im after. Its not the time limit I cant figure out its making it so the player can only press two buttons from the activator message (not including the exit button) then is unable to access the activator again until the timer finishes.

Give the activator a persistent reference. Define a short variable on it, buttonCount, for example. In your script that checks to see what button you have hit, it also increments the buttom count by one. Use this variable as a condition of less than 2 on your buttons. If it has reached 2, then none of the buttons are visible, except for exit. Then let the timer reset this variable back to zero. Or let the activator do the variable check, like DPErny suggested, and intercept with a message in the ONActivate block, and not actually activating itself.

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Yeah Im not the best programmer in the world but I see what your doing. Thanks heaps for the help I'll see what I can do with it, if I run into anymore trouble I'll send you a PM. Thanks again


@ rickerhk


I know what your saying in words but I suck at programming and not sure how to do that, could you please give me an example like DPErny did. Helps me if I see the code.

Edited by blazeda59
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Here's an example. With this you don't need conditions on the buttons.


scn MyActivatorScript

short iButtonCount
short iButton
short iShowMenu
short iAwaitInput
float fTimer

BEGIN ONActivate
if IsActionRef Player == 1
	if iButtonCount == 2
		ShowMessage YouHaveToWaitMSG
		Set iShowMenu to 1

BEGIN GameMode

if iButtonCount == 2
	if fTimer <= 0
		set iButtonCount to 0
		set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed
	if iShowMenu == 1
		ShowMessage PickItemsPlease
		set iShowMenu to 0
		set iAwaitInput to 1
	if iAwaitInput == 1
		set iButton to GetButtonPressed
		if iButton < 0
			set iAwaitInput to 0
			if iButton == 0
				;Do stuff with your item1 here
				set iButtonCount to iButtonCount + 1
				if iButtonCount == 2
					set fTimer to 10
					set iShowMenu to 1		;Show menu again
			elseif iButton == 1
				;Do stuff with your item2 here
				set iButtonCount to iButtonCount + 1
				if iButtonCount == 2
					set fTimer to 10
					set iShowMenu to 1		;Show menu again
			elseif iButton == 8				;Exit
				set fTimer to 10
				set iButtonCount to 2


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